Page 10 - City Life Magazine - Summer Edition 2023
P. 10

10                                                                                      Issue 63  •  July 2023

                 WORCESTER SHOW

             Fun for all the family at the Worcester Show

             Celebrate our city at its best –
             whatever your interests, there is
             something at the Worcester Show

             that is perfect for you! Whether
             it’s showcasing your talents in the

             competition classes, sampling the
             local produce, browsing the stalls
             and displays, or simply sitting back

             to enjoy the entertainment on
             stage, this is a family event with                                                        Young competitor Ben
             something for everyone.                                                                 sketches out ideas for his
                                                                                                      Worcester Show entries

             Worcester City Council’s    arts and entertainment
             Community Engagement        to the event and there
             Team and an army of         will also be a Community
             dedicated volunteers have   Marquee – where local
             been busy organising the    people will share their
             event at Pitchcroft on      skills, talents and interests.
             Sunday 13 August – and it
             will include a packed line-  There’s still time to enter
             up of live music, market    the competition classes!
             stalls, fun fair rides, a dog
             show, sports demos, free    As well as the traditional
             activities and plenty of    classes, there is a new
             food and drink.             category this year, Creative
                                         Technology, reflecting the   Other attractions include   lots of extra parking for
             There’s a 1980s theme to    changing trends in hobbies   Worcester Re-enactors,    bikes, so please come along
             this year’s show, so dig out   and pastimes. To enter   who will have their own    on two wheels if you can!
             your shoulder pads and leg   your creation for any of the   encampment featuring
             warmers and get into that   competitions, visit www.   cannons, muskets and period   DONATIONS WELCOME
             ‘80s vibe.              costumes. The Guinness       Worcester Show
                                         But hurry – the deadline   World Record holder and      is hugely popular,
             Worcester Mela will bring   for entries is Monday 7    running guru, Donato, will   attracting around 20,000
             an extravaganza of Asian    August!                    be putting visitors through   visitors every year. It is
                                                                    their paces with his very own   not a profit-making event
                                        Fun with Worcester Re-enactors   fitness activity and the Scouts   and has been free to
                                                  at last year’s show   will be demonstrating fire-  enter in previous years.
                                                                    lighting, tomahawk throwing,   However, the costs of
                                                                    and a daring obstacle        staging it are spiralling
                                                                    course.                      and last year’s event
                                                                                                 cost £37,000 to stage
                                                                    The show runs from 10am      - £12,000 more than it
                                                                    to 5pm and promises a fun-   actually raised.
                                                                    filled day for all the family,
                                                                    so don’t forget to mark 13   This year, there will still
                                                                    August in your diary!        be no entrance fee, but
                                                                                                 visitors to the show will
                                                                    GET ON YOUR BIKE!            be asked to make a
                                                                    This year’s show will have   donation. We know that
                                                                                                 times are difficult, but
                                                                     Where? Pitchcroft           please give whatever
                                                                     (Worcester Racecourse)      you can afford and help
                                                                     When? Sunday 13             keep this wonderful event
                                                                     August, 10am-5pm            going for years to come!

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