Page 13 - City Life Magazine - Summer Edition 2023
P. 13                                                                                   13

          Join the Electric Vehicle Revolution!

          With a Government ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars coming in

          to force in under seven years’ time, demand for electric vehicles is growing.

          More and more people are
          discovering the benefits of driving                                                          EV charging point
          a zero emissions vehicle. Research
          indicates that by 2025 around
          7,600 electric vehicles (EVs) will be
          registered in Worcester, with this
          figure expected to rise to over 27,000
          by 2030.

          While the initial upfront purchase price
          of an electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle
          can be higher, this is usually offset by
          lower running costs.

          Worcester City Council recently
          published its first EV charging strategy
          – with a vision for all Worcester
          residents to have access to a charging
          facility within ten minutes’ walk of their   providers and the University will be   More information:
          home by 2030.                        essential to meeting the city’s future   uk/climate-emergency
                                               charging needs. However, EV cars are
          It is estimated that the city will need   not the whole solution and the City   For more details on the city council’s
          about 700 more EV charge points by   Council is also working on supporting   Active Travel Action Plan, see page 28.
          2030 to meet demand from residents,   active travel.”
          businesses and visitors.                                                  BENEFITS OF ELECTRIC
                                               WHERE CAN I CHARGE IN                VEHICLES
          “Creating a well distributed EV      WORCESTER?                           • A full charge in a pure electric
          charging infrastructure is key to    There are currently 128 public charge   vehicle will give a typical range
          ensuring that Worcester is a place   points in the city – all locations are   of over 200 miles and will cost
          where people have the confidence to   listed on            approximately £15-20 if charging
          use electric cars, where businesses wish                                    at home. Driving 200 miles in
          to invest and people feel confident to   The City Council has installed 12 EV   a petrol or diesel car will cost
          visit,” says Cllr Karen Lewing, Chair of   charging points at St Martin’s Gate car   around £26-£32 in fuel.
          the Environment Committee.           park and later this year more will be   • There are fewer mechanical
                                               available at King Street and Tallow Hill    components in an electric
          “Working in partnership with the     car parks, allowing 28 cars to charge   vehicle, which often results in
          County Council, businesses, housing   simultaneously.                       lower servicing and maintenance
                                                                                    • Until 2025, no vehicle excise
                                                                                      duty will be charged on electric
                                                                                      vehicles. From 2025, the first-
                                                                                      year rate will still be lower – only
                                                                                      £10 compared to £120-£945 for
                                                                                      petrol or diesel vehicles.
                                                                                    • Electric vehicles attract low or no
                                                                                      charges from clean air zones in
                                                                                      the UK.
                                                                                    • By driving an electric vehicle
                                                                                      you are helping to reduce
                                                                                      carbon emissions and helping
                                                                                      to improve air quality, with less
                                                                                      tailpipe pollution. Over a quarter
                                                                                      of Worcester’s carbon emissions
                                              Charging point at St Martin’s Gate car park  come from transport.

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