Page 11 - City Life Magazine - Summer Edition 2023
P. 11                                                                                    11

                                                                                           MAYOR OF WORCESTER
             Meet the new Mayor

             A new Mayor of Worcester has taken over the chain of office, after

             being voted in by members of Worcester City Council. Councillor Louis
             Stephen is the first member of the Green Party to hold the honour.

             He says: “The role of Mayor
             has existed for centuries,
             and it is a great honour to
             be named as the first Green
             Mayor of Worcester.”

             Cllr Stephen has begun
             a busy year of Mayoral
             engagements and he is
             committed to getting to as
             many of them as possible
             using pedal-power.

             The Mayor said: “I’m a
             keen cyclist and my bike is
             my main method of travel.
             There are clear societal
             benefits to using more
             active ways to travel like
             walking and cycling, and I
             think leaders have a role in
             breaking down barriers and
             changing social norms.
                                         Heat Systems that his      The Lady Mayoress is his    and the Elgar Chorale. Louis
             “There may be a few rare    eyes were first opened to   wife of 35 years, Katey    and Katey have two grown-
             situations where we have    a career in engineering.   Stephen, a Worcester-       up children, Alaric and
             to travel by car, but if the   He went on to study the   born professional ecologist   Bryony.
             Mayor and Mayoress can      subject at Loughborough    with a keen interest in
             arrive at an event on bikes,   University and management   botany. In her spare time,   Cllr Stephen was first
             I hope it will encourage    at Cranfield University.   the Mayoress sings in       elected to the Battenhall
             others to do the same.”                                Worcester’s Choral Society   ward in 2016.
                                         Cllr Stephen had a
             LOCAL LAD                   successful career working   HELP THE MAYOR TO SUPPORT OLDER CITIZENS
             Louis Stephen grew up in    in a range of engineering   The Mayor says: “My theme for my year in office is
             Worcestershire and was      businesses, and rose        creating a community that values and includes our older
             educated in the city, and   through the ranks of        citizens, and with that in mind I have chosen Age UK as
             it was while he was on a    Worcester Bosch to become   my charity for the year.
             school trip to Worcester    a senior manager.
                                                                     “Age UK are an amazing charity that support lonely
                                                                     and isolated older people in our community who, for
                                                                     whatever reason, have dropped through the cracks in
                                                                     our social services system.

                                                                     “Among the standout things they do which I want to
                                                                     support are a free energy assessment service where they
                                                                     visit a resident’s home to support them in reducing their
                                                                     energy usage whilst keeping warm. They also help older
                                                                     residents tackle loneliness with opportunities to get out
                                                                     of the house to socialise with others.”

                                                                     You can donate to the Mayor’s appeal at

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