Page 7 - City Life Magazine - Summer Edition 2023
P. 7                                                                                    7

                                                                                    JOINT LEADERS’ MESSAGES

                                              The local elections on 4 May         There are also plenty of staycation
                                              are becoming a distant memory.       opportunities to be a tourist
                                              However, they delivered a            and visit the Cathedral, or The
                                              profound change in the make-up of    Commandery.
                                              Worcester City Council. Residents
                                              clearly voted for a fairer, greener   I know that the cost-of-living crisis
                                              Worcester. As the new Joint          is posing challenges for many
                                              Leader, I will do my best to make    people. Worcester City Council
                                              that real. We have made a good       also faces difficult decisions
                                              start by signing off Worcester’s     to balance the books. Due to
                                              first Active Travel Action Plan.     cutbacks in national Government
                                                                                   funding for councils, we don’t have
                                              I came to Worcester in 1989 with     enough money in the budget to
                                              a toddler and a broken marriage.     do everything we want or that you
                                              My daughter and I found the love,    would like us to do. Councillors
                                              support and community that we        will do our best to prioritise the
          Lynn Denham                         had been missing. Worcester gave     services that are most important
                                              us a fresh start and a happier life. I   to you, and to bring in new money
                                              love this city and all the people that   where we can.
                                              make it such a wonderful place to
                                              live.                                With the knowledge and
                                                                                   enthusiasm of Worcester
                                              We are lucky to have so many green   people and the experience and
                                              spaces, play parks and waterways     determination of our councillors
                                              in our home city. There is lots of   and officers, I believe we can move
                                              opportunity to make the most of      together towards a city that works
                                              them with the long summer days.      for everyone.
                                              Have you walked any of the Wild
                                              About Worcester Way yet? How         Councillor Lynn Denham
                                              about following the adventures of    Joint Leader (Labour) –
                                              Ollie the Otter on a riverside walk?   Worcester City Council

                                              We had very exciting local elections   The council is under financial
                                              on 4 May, and the City Council       pressure due to inadequate
                                              looks and feels quite different.     funding from central Government.
                                              It is thrilling and humbling to be   At the same time, the Government
                                              entrusted with the role of Joint     has been handing out money to
                                              Leader, and I will try at all times to   Worcester to spend on projects
                                              work together with my counterpart    to benefit the city. The money is
                                              to ensure that Worcester becomes     for these specific projects and we
                                              fairer and greener.                  cannot use it to fund everyday
                                                                                   Council services. For me, the
                                              I moved to Worcester in 2014 and     most exciting of these projects
                                              since then I have come to love the   is the new Scala arts centre in
                                              city and its rich culture and history.   Angel Place. I am keen to see
                                              It is a very musical city, and I enjoy   the Swan Theatre retained for use
                                              making my contribution by playing    by local amateur performing arts
                                              violin in local orchestras and other   groups.
          Marjory Bisset                      groups – in the 2021 Three Choirs
                                              Festival I sang in the Festival Chorus.   We are on your side, and will do
                                                                                   our best to protect you from the
                                              I am glad that Worcester now has an   effects of cutbacks and to keep
                                              Active Travel Action Plan. This plan   delivering our services for as long
                                              lays out how the City Council will   as we can. With all political parties
                                              make it easier for people to move    working together, and with your
                                              about the city on foot, by bicycle or   support, we can get through these
                                              public transport, and it will help the   difficult times.
                                              city to be carbon-neutral by 2030.
                                              The city will be a more pleasant     Councillor Marjory Bisset
                                              place to live, with more trees and   Joint Leader (Green) –
                                              cleaner air.                         Worcester City Council

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