Page 4 - City Life Magazine - Summer Edition 2023
P. 4

4                                                                                       Issue 63  •  July 2023


             New signs make Worcester’s

             riverside an even better

             place to visit

                                                                    Visitors can now enjoy

                                                                    Worcester’s beautiful riverside
                                                                    park more than ever, thanks to
                                                                    colourful new information signs

                                                                    installed at its main entrances.

                                                                    Sixteen new totem-style     find out more about the
                                                                    signs have been put in place   riverside’s flora and fauna.
                                                                    to welcome visitors to the
                                                                    award-winning park. The     As well as the totem signs,
                                                                    new signage includes maps,   31 illustrated granite floor
                                                                    information on walking and   tiles and eight stainless
                                                                    cycling routes, stories from   steel waymarker posts
                                                                    the rich history of the area,   are being put in place on
                                                                    and family-friendly facts on   pathways and routes into
                                                                    the wildlife that lives on, in   and around the park, to
                                                                    and near the river.         increase public awareness
                                                                                                of the riverside as a visitor
                                                                    They also include QR codes   destination. Some of the
             New licensing for                                      that visitors can scan with   tiles feature arrows to
                                                                                                suggest recommended
                                                                    their smartphones to find
                                                                                                routes or spots of special
                                                                    out more and to make the
             shared rented homes                                    most of their visit to this   interest.
                                                                    beautiful location in the
                                                                    heart of Worcester.         The Riverside is one of five
             Landlords across
             the whole of                                                                       Worcester City Council-
             Worcester will                                         Children can discover       run parks to have won the
             soon need to have                                      the adventures of Ollie     prestigious Green Flag,
             a licence if they                                      the Otter, a fun character   awarded by environmental
             want to carry on                                       who encourages them to      charity Keep Britain Tidy.
             renting shared
             houses with five or                                      Want to have your say on
             fewer occupants,
             or houses that have                                      planning in Worcestershire?
             been converted
             into self-contained flats. These are known as Houses in   You may know that Worcester City Council is who
             Multiple Occupation (HMO).                               you apply to if you want planning permission to make
                                                                      changes to your house.
             Larger HMOs with five or more occupants already need
             a licence, but licences for smaller ones are currently only   But Worcestershire County Council also has a role to
             required in certain parts of the city.                   play in planning, looking after policies and strategies
                                                                      about minerals, waste and major infrastructure
             From 6 September Worcester City Council will extend the   projects like new railway stations and bridges.
             licensing scheme to cover the whole city, in order to help
             ensure consistent high standards for tenants who rent    The County Council is encouraging people to sign up
             homes.                                                   to their database so that they can be consulted about
                                                                      the topics they are interested in.
             Landlords who do not hold a licence may face a penalty,
             and the City Council is encouraging them to register now    To find out more visit:
             at                           W:

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