Page 5 - City Life Magazine - Summer Edition 2023
P. 5                                                                                    5

          New Joint Leaders at City Council

          Following May’s elections,   Just days after the election,
          Worcester City Council has   the sad news came through   Cllr Lynn                  Cllr Marjory
          two new Joint Leaders,     that Cllr Simon Cronin had
          Councillor Lynn Denham     passed away, after again
          (Labour) and Cllr Marjory   winning the Nunnery seat
          Bisset (Green).            that he had held for Labour
                                     for the past 16 years.
          They were voted into their
          new roles following a shift   As City Life went to press,
          in the Council’s political   the political balance on the
          balance in the election    City Council was:
          results.                   • Labour – 12 seats
                                     • Greens – 10 seats         This is the final year in   elected once every four
          Just under a third of the   • Conservatives – 8 seats  which Worcester City        years. For that reason, the
          Council’s 35 seats were    • Liberal Democrats – 4     Council will hold annual    councillors elected in 2023
          up for election on 4 May.    seats.                    elections, where a third of   will only serve one-year
          The Greens won five,                                   seats go to the polls each   terms.
          Labour four, and the Liberal   A by-election for the vacant   year. From 2024, the City
          Democrats took two of the   Nunnery seat was scheduled   Council will move to a    To find your City Councillor,
          11 seats.                  to take place on 20 July.   system where all seats are   go to page 16.

          Don’t lose your right to vote

          Keep an eye out for letters arriving from Worcester City Council asking you
          to check that your details are right on the electoral register. To make sure
          you don’t lose your say at the next election, look out for these instructions,
          especially if you’ve recently moved home.

          If you don’t hear from the Council, you might not be on the register. If you
          want to register, the easiest way is online at

           Hunt is on for temporary accommodation

           Worcester City Council is looking to find emergency and   agents – who can offer a range of accommodation, from
           temporary accommodation that could be used to house   one-bedroom flats for single households up to larger
           people who are at imminent risk of becoming homeless –   family homes.
           helping to prevent them from ending up on the streets.
                                                                 Interested landlords and organisations are asked to
           The Council is seeking to appoint several providers –   send details of the accommodation they can offer to
           such as housing associations, private landlords, lettings

          New accessible toilet planned for Cornmarket

          Plans are underway to      changing benches and
          bring a new fully accessible   space for carers.
          toilet to the Cornmarket,
          as part of Worcester City   The City Council was
          Council’s bid to make the   successful in securing
          city centre accessible to   £60,000 in Government
          all.                       funding for this new
                                     facility, complementing the
          The Changing Places facility   Changing Places facilities
          will be a large accessible   already available in The
          toilet with equipment      Hive and on the University’s
          such as hoists, adult-sized   St John’s campus.

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