Page 15 - City Life Magazine - Summer Edition 2023
P. 15                                                                                   15

           A bullet-damaged
           roadsign for Mariupol

          Once through the many military
          checkpoints they were in a village
          where the locals gave them food.

          Alex remembers: “We couldn’t buy
          food in the shops, but the local people
          were so generous and brought us
          bread and milk. We hadn’t expected it,
          but we were so grateful!”             Alex and Valentina have thoroughly enjoyed sightseeing trips

          They travelled to Belarus and then   in a hotel where they spent two and   they have also met another family from
          on to Poland. It was while they were   a half months. When asked how she   Mariupol.
          in Poland that they heard about the   felt about being housed in a hotel,
          Homes for Ukraine scheme in the UK   Valentina said: “We have nothing to   Alex said: “It’s good to make new
          and decided to make an application.  complain about, we are safe, we are   friends who speak the same language,
                                               warm, we have food and most of all,   and it is a treat to be able to talk about
          On arrival in Worcester they had to   we are together.”                  shared experiences.
          be split between two host families,
          Valentina going with the two children   TOP OF THE CLASS                 “It is important that we tell our stories
          and Alex with the grandmother. They   The couple’s daughter has settled into   so that this does not happen again.”
          lived as two households for six months.  school well and is top of the class in
                                               Chemistry. Their son, who is younger,
          Alex said: “The hardest part was     found it took longer to process
          being apart for six months, but our   everything he had been through.
          hosts were absolutely amazing, they   However, he is now starting to settle
          supported us with everything!”       down, to make friends and be invited
                                               to parties.
          Their hosts gathered support from the
          local community to make sure that    Alex is still self-employed and has
          they all had clothes and basic items   many clients. He is continuing to learn
          such as tablets, as well as toys for the   English and is also preparing to take   SUPPORT ON OFFER
          children.                            his driving test.                     A range of support is offered
                                                                                     to the city’s Ukrainian guests
          Alex’s sponsor also helped him with   Valentina said: “From the first day of   including translation services and
          employment. Back in Ukraine he had   arrival we have been supported by     support with accessing training,
          worked in the building trade. Here   Worcester City Council. We had help   employment, healthcare and
          in Worcester he began working as a   at all stages of our journey in the UK   education.
          handyman, doing painting, decorating   with all problems we have faced. In
          and repairs with his sponsor helping   addition to practical assistance, we   Various community engagement
          him find clients and negotiate prices   are very grateful for all community   events have been undertaken, both
          and details.                         events and trips, which allow us to see   directly for the Ukrainian community
                                               amazing places all over the UK and to   and integrating them into existing
          The couple have also enjoyed         spend time with our countrymen. We    events in the city.
          attending English classes and        are lucky to have such professional and
          socialising afterwards, with activities   caring people within the Homes for   Worcester’s Ukraine guests have
          including paddleboarding and         Ukraine team to support Ukrainians at   enjoyed numerous trips to various
          kayaking.                            such a difficult time.”               places to learn about UK history
                                                                                     and culture, as well as to get to
          After six months staying with their host   Friends that the family travelled over   know each other.
          families, the family were then housed   with are now living in Malvern, and

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