Page 12 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2023 Edition
P. 12
12 Issue 62 • March 2023
Slim your bin this spring
Creating less waste saves money app and then agree
for you and your council. where and how it should
be picked up.
Did you know that many in all their stores. The DONATE OR EARN
of the items commonly phones are stripped of CASH FOR UNWANTED
found in Worcester’s bins data and then resold CLOTHES
could be sold or donated or recycled, generating Grown out of love – or
to others? income for the charity. just grown out of an
item? Sell clothes online EVEN TOILET ROLL
Re-using more and creating The Amazon trade-in via Depop, Vinted, TUBES CAN MAKE
less waste will help to programme offers gift eBay, KidsOClock and YOU MONEY!
reduce the city’s carbon vouchers in return for these Facebook Marketplace. These are popular for
emissions and benefit the items – regardless of where crafty projects – as a
natural environment. you originally bought them. quick search on eBay and
similar sites will reveal.
Councillor Karen SHARE UNWANTED
Worcester City Council’s YOUR NEIGHBOURS For information on
Environment Committee, Did you know that 9.5 recycling, repair cafés, local
said: “There is lots we million tonnes of food is charity shops, composting
can all do to reduce the thrown away in the UK and much more, visit
waste that goes into our every year?
bins, and to reuse and
repurpose items that we Check out
no longer need. Not only Alternatively, donate @sustainableworcester on
does this benefit the them to a charity shop or Instagram for more news
environment, but it also second-hand clothes sale. on reducing emissions.
means that we can make
a difference to others, SELL BOOKS, CDS,
help charities, or even VHS TAPES, DVDS
make a little money by AND GAMES
selling items.” Ziffit, eBay, and Facebook
Marketplace are popular
DONATE OR EARN Smartphone apps such as selling sites for these
MONEY FROM OLD Olio allow you to share products. Group similar
PHONES AND DEVICES unwanted food for free items together – it will save
You can sell used phones, among your neighbours. you time and cut down on
tablets, smart watches, Items could be nearing packaging costs.
laptops and gaming their sell-by date, spare
consoles through many home-grown vegetables,
websites, including or groceries that would and otherwise be left in your fridge when you go away.
Oxfam will accept used Users take a picture of
mobile phone donations the item, post it to the
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