Page 7 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2023 Edition
P. 7 7
Dear residents, upon the paying public when it
isn’t necessary.
My appointment as Joint Leader
of Worcester City Council came as 2023 provides many opportunities
somewhat of a surprise, as I had for Worcester. Having successfully
been extremely happy supporting won funding from the Government,
Cllr Marc Bayliss, the former joint we will see the continued
incumbent. With Marc leaving development of the city centre,
the role, having been deservingly especially the new Scala arts venue,
selected as the new Deputy for which a planning application
Police & Crime Commissioner, I has now been submitted. This has
am incredibly proud to have been helped to attract local private sector
voted in as the new Joint Leader. investors, who are providing further
Residents might find it strange funding and support to businesses
that I am the Joint Leader and in the Angel Place area. Just outside
Chris Mitchell that there is no other Joint Leader. the city centre, the development
The Council constitution requires of Shrub Hill is starting to take
that, if no single party has overall place on the back of Government
leadership, then the two largest investment, and we have seen
parties should each nominate a private funding being drawn into
candidate for Joint Leader. The the city with the Sherriff Street
Labour Party, as the second largest programme now well underway.
party, was unwilling to nominate a
candidate, hence I hold the title. A key challenge is for the Council
to provide all support possible in
I took over leadership of the helping to see the resolution of the
Council at one of the busiest issues at our city’s home of rugby at
times, as the budget for the year Sixways and in bringing professional
ahead was being prepared. After rugby back to the city. I am sure
two years of Covid and with the all residents will join me in wanting
increased fuel and power prices, to see Sir Cecil Duckworth’s legacy
this is a difficult financial period being honoured.
for the Council. The Council is
under genuine budgetary pressure I wish everyone a successful and
for 2023-24 and, despite the safe 2023, and hope to see as many
significant cash injections received of you as possible at Sixways when
from central Government, we have the 2023-24 season kicks off.
had to look at every aspect of
our discretionary spend in order Kind Regards
to ensure that we deliver those Chris
essential services that residents
expect and deserve. As the Councillor Chris Mitchell
Joint Leader, I am committed Joint Leader –
to not putting any more burden Worcester City Council
23/02/2023 4:30 pm
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