Page 10 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2023 Edition
P. 10

10                                                                                    Issue 62  •  March 2023


             Have you got your photo

             ID for May’s elections?

             For the first time, residents will
             need to show photographic

             identification (ID) to vote at a
             polling station in May’s Worcester
             City Council elections. Voters are

             being urged to make sure they
             have the right form of ID.

             A wide range of photo ID    Anyone who does not have
             will be accepted, which     one of the accepted forms
             most people will already    of ID can apply now for
             have, including a passport,   free ID, either online or by
             a driving licence, an       completing a paper form.
             immigration document
             and some travel passes,     FREE ID
             including an older person’s   The full list of accepted
             bus pass.                   ID is available on the
                                         Electoral Commission’s
             Voters will be able to use   website, along with details   elections this May must   ELECTION DAY: 4 MAY
             expired ID if they are still   of how to apply for the   also be registered to      Elections will be held
             recognisable from the photo.  free ID.                 vote. It only takes five     on Thursday 4 May for
                                                                    minutes to register online   11 of the 35 councillors
             Photocopies or digital      Go to www.electoral        at      on Worcester City
             forms of ID cannot be  to-vote. Voters wishing to   Council.
             used. You can only use a                               apply for free ID should
             workplace or student ID     Anyone who wants to        first make sure they are     Polls will take place in
             which is PASS-accredited.   have their say in the      registered to vote.          these wards:
                                                                                                 • Arboretum
              No photo ID – here’s what to do                        KEY DATES                   • Bedwardine
                                                                     17 April (11.59pm):         • Cathedral
              If you don’t have any photo ID, you can get a free     Deadline to register to     • Claines
              ID known as a Voter Authority Certificate. All you     vote, at        • Nunnery
              need is a recent, digital photo of yourself and your   register-to-vote            • St Clement
              National Insurance number.                             18 April (5pm): Deadline    • St John
                                                                     to apply for a postal       • St Peter’s
              If you do not have your National Insurance number      vote, at www.worcester.     • St Stephen
              you’ll need other documents to prove your identity,            • Warndon Parish
              for example a birth certificate, bank statement and    25 April (5pm): Deadline      North
              utility bill.                                          to apply for a proxy        • Warndon Parish
                                                                     vote, at www.worcester.       South
              Apply now – the deadline is 25 April.        
                                                                     25 April (5pm): Deadline    There are no elections
                      to apply for a Voter        this year in the
                                                                     Authority Certificate       Battenhall, Gorse
              Request a paper application form                       (free voter ID) at www.     Hill, Rainbow Hill or
              ✆ 01905 722530                                    Warndon wards.
              @                   id-to-vote
                In person: visit the Guildhall in High Street, and   4 May: Elections for
              ask the customer services team for assistance.         Worcester City Council      uk/elections

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