Page 14 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2023 Edition
P. 14

14                                                                                    Issue 62  •  March 2023


             Pavement improvements progress

             Work to spruce up streets in Worcester’s city centre is continuing with

             improvements in St Nicholas Street well underway.

             Woburn block paving has     regeneration of the city
             been laid in pavement areas   centre, funded by £17.9
             and there is also to be a   million from Worcester City
             replacement low retaining   Council’s successful bid to
             wall with a handrail at the   the Government’s Future
             east end of the street.     High Streets Fund. The work
                                         to improve the pavements
             Once the St Nicholas        and surrounding public
             Street work is complete,    realm is being delivered
             improvements will be made   by Worcestershire County
             in The Foregate, including   Council.
             upgrading footpaths and
             highway parking bays.       Areas already revamped
                                         include Angel Row, Angel
             The programme, which        Place, St Swithin’s Street,
             will continue into 2024,    Trinity Passage, The Cross   New paving at
                                                                     St Nicholas St
             is part of the major        and Trinity Street.
             New signs for                                          Opening the way

             Riverside Park                                         to The Arches

             Work will get underway this spring to install new      The final link of a new
             information signs at the entrances to Worcester’s      route from Foregate
             beautiful Riverside Park.                              Street Station to the Hive
                                                                    and the river is set to be
             Fifteen new totem-style signs will be                  created, if an application
             put in place to welcome visitors to                    to demolish the former
             the park, and will include maps,                       Jaqk’s take-away is
             information on walking and                             approved.
             cycling routes, stories from
             the rich history of the area,                          The new walking and
             and family-friendly facts on                           cycling path will make it
             the wildlife that lives on, in                         easier to visit The Arches
             and near the river.                                    – Worcester development,
                                                                    and to discover the
             Thirty-one illustrated granite                         creative work spaces that
             floor tiles are also due to                            have been formed out
             go in on pathways and                                  of refurbished railway       The old Jaqk’s take-away
                                                                                                 building is set to be
             routes into the park, to                               arches, alongside bars       demolished
             increase public awareness                              and restaurants and other
             of the riverside as a visitor                          established businesses.     will be the final stage
             destination. Some of these                                                         of this project, which is
             tiles will feature arrows                              The former take-away        funded by a £6.5 million
             to suggest recommended                                 building is next to         Government Cultural
             routes or spots of special                             the railway bridge in       Development Fund
             interest.                                              Foregate Street, opposite   investment.
                                                                    the station, and was
             Work to create the                                     recently purchased by       The planning application
             foundations for the new signs                          Worcester City Council.     will be available for public
             and tiles is starting shortly.               An artist’s   Its demolition and the   consultation shortly at
                                                       impression of
             The signs and floor tiles will         what the riverside   creation of the new
             start to be installed in April.   totem signs will look like  entrance into The Arches   planning.

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