Page 17 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2023 Edition
P. 17                                                                                   17

          Hundreds of new trees

          planted across city

          Dozens of volunteers have been
          digging in to ensure that Worcester
          is greener for future generations.

          Volunteers of all ages     Trees, The Tree Council,
          have pitched in to help in   Vice Lord-Lieutenant
          the City Council’s drive to   Georgina Britten-Long,
          plant hundreds of trees at   St Peter’s Parish Council
          sites across the city.     and some city and
                                     county councillors.
          Worcester is a
          Champion City in the       The planting of 560 whips
          national Queen’s Green     at Diglis Playing Fields
          Canopy scheme.             and Perdiswell is being
                                     supported through a
          Trees have been planted    partnership with Trees
          in the city’s eight Queen   for Cities.
          Elizabeth II fields, which
          were given protected       TREES WILL CREATE A
          status by the Fields In    ‘GREEN LEGACY’
          Trust organisation to mark   Roddy Shaw, Development
          The Queen’s Diamond        Manager for Trees For
          Jubilee. At King George    Cities, said: “Trees For
          V Playing Field, a circle   Cities is delighted to be
          of seven trees has been    supporting Worcester
          planted to represent the   City Council with its
          seven decades of the reign   planting ambitions
          of Queen Elizabeth II.     through this project.

          Lansdowne Park is another   “We work nationally to
          site to benefit from new   create healthier, greener
          trees with volunteers      and happier cities through
          planting a mixture of      providing opportunities
          Hornbeam, Norway Maple,    for residents to plant trees
          Alder and Silver Birch.    that will create a lasting
          Students from Bishop       green legacy for today’s
          Perowne School planted     and future generations.
          nine fruit trees, including
          pear, plum and apple.      “Having already worked
                                     together to support
          FUNDING FOR TREES          the planting of over
          Funding for the tree-      6,000 urban trees in
          planting programme has     Worcester, Trees For Cities
          come from many sources     is delighted to continue
          including the charity      supporting the Council’s
          Trees For Cities, I Dig    planting programme.”

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