Page 13 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2023 Edition
P. 13                                                                                   13

          Go green with Worcester’s

          Garden Waste collection scheme

          With spring just around the corner, it’s a good time to get ready for a
          garden tidy-up – but what to do with all that garden waste?

          Worcester City Council’s
          garden waste collection
          service is an easy and
          convenient way to dispose
          of your grass cuttings,
          hedge trimmings, dead
          plants and weeds without
          the need to make endless
          trips to the tip.

          It’s a green way of getting rid
          of your green waste as it is all
          composted ready for reuse –
          and you’ll be reducing your
          carbon footprint with fewer
          visits to the tip. Not only that
          – you’ll have none of that
          mess in your car.

          Collections are made
          fortnightly between March
          and December, and you
          can sign up at any time of   collected from the same
          the year without missing   household, but neighbours     What happens to my garden waste?
          out. Subscriptions are on   can sort out sharing both    Garden waste collected from household
          a rolling 12-month basis,   the costs and the bin.       collections is composted, resulting in a soil
          meaning that whenever                                    conditioner called “Greengrow”.
          you choose to sign up,     If you have a bigger garden,
          you will still receive a full   you can have more than   This is available for sale by bags from the Household
          season of collections.     one garden waste bin, with    Recycling Centres in Bilford Road and Hallow Road.
                                     a reduced charge for each
          If you want to use the     additional one.               It can also be purchased in bulk loads from Severn
          service, but you only have                               Waste Services.
          a small garden – why not   Sign up for the garden
          share a bin with a neighbour   waste collection service   ✆ 01386 860630
          and split the costs? The      @
          bin must be registered and   gardenwaste

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