Page 27 - City Life Magazine - Autumn Edition
P. 27                                                                                   27

          Why, for young people’s sake,

          the show must go on

           Helen Leek

          As anyone who’s been       to take this away from them,   “We are a bit of a family   class – and the dads often
          involved knows, putting    after everything they’ve    here. The older children    head to the Arch Rivals pub
          on a dance show can test   been through.”              like to look after the      while they’re waiting!
          the patience of a saint                                younger ones,” explains
          at the best of times. But   The dedicated Principal    Ms. Leek.                   “We’ve got a good
          preparing for one as the   has strictly adhered to                                 relationship with residents
          country counted down to    the evolving regulations    “Apart from the benefits of   in the alms houses in
          lifting lockdown restrictions   throughout the pandemic.  physical exercise, they love   Infirmary Walk too. A
          was the ultimate challenge   Although the Academy      the familiarity of coming   number of them have said
          for Helen Leek, Principal of   boasts five studios, only   to this place, seeing the   how much they missed
          the Arches-based Academy   two were able to operate    teachers and the repetition   seeing the children during
          Theatre Arts.              over the last year due to   of the steps.               all the lockdowns.”
                                     space restrictions, with each
          “I had 14 children isolating   dancer having to remain   “They do chat to me about   2022 will be an important
          who were supposed to       within a two-metre square   what they are finding       year for Academy Theatre
          be in the show; we had     area.                       hard. Many of them have     Arts – its 30th birthday. The
          to rehearse with them via                              really missed all the dance   school expects to be busier
          Zoom,” she explains.       DANCE ACADEMY               competitions and shows      than ever, as an increasing
                                     LOCATED AT FORMER           over the last year, which   number of young people
          “I had to downscale the    VICTORIAN SCHOOL            were such a big part of     seek enjoyment and self-
          show this year and ensure   Based in the former St.    their lives.”               expression from being
          social distancing was      Nicholas School in Infirmary                            involved with the arts.
          maintained through all     Walk, Academy Theatre       Ms. Leek now feels more
          the preparations. Frankly,   Arts, which normally      optimism for the future     “I’ve had pupils in tears
          it would have been much    accommodates around         – and is excited about      during online lessons; the
          easier to say that we      200 students, still retains   the current renovation of   pressure on our young
          weren’t going to put on a   the look of a Victorian    The Arches opposite her     people over the last year
          production. However, some   educational establishment   school, which will see the   has been immense.
          of my students were leaving   – but with a very different   creation of a new cultural
          and I was determined not   feel.                       quarter for the city.       “We really do need to
                                                                                             get back some sense of
                                                                 “We’ve got a good           normalcy now, for the
                                                                 relationship with The       sake of our children. The
                                                                 Arches businesses – we’re   arts can make a massive
                                                                 working together to build   difference to mental health.
                                                                 a community spirit. Many    You can literally see the
                                                                 of the families go to one   release when people start
                                                                 of the eateries after their   to dance.”

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