Page 23 - City Life Magazine - Autumn Edition
P. 23                                                                                    23

                                                                                                COMMUNITY LIFE

             Your Neighbourhood Matters

             Find out what’s really happening in your area and keep in touch with

             West Mercia Police through a free messaging service.

                                                  The Neighbourhood Matters            appeals local to the area in which you
                                                  messaging system enables residents,   live or work by email, text or telephone.
                                                  businesses and community groups
                                                  to keep in touch with local policing   Don’t worry, the police won’t bombard
                                                  teams. You can receive updates on    you with details of every incident, as
                                                  crimes, latest information on ongoing   you can choose exactly the type of alert
                                                  incidents and learn more about       you wish to receive.
                                                  what the police are doing in your
                                                  community.                           Why not encourage family, friends
                                                                                       and colleagues to register too?
                                                  When you sign up you’ll receive      Sign up at www.neighbourhood
                                                  information, crime alerts and witness
             Time to party!

             If you’re looking to bring   situation. Maybe you want to
             your local community        celebrate a particular event?
             together again, then why
             not organise a street party?  There are lots of helpful tips
                                         on how to go about it at
             It’s an ideal way to bring
             friends and neighbours back   If you wish to close a street
             together in a relaxed, open   for your party, you must give
             air environment. A party    Worcester City Council at
             could also be a chance to   least eight weeks’ notice. For
             meet members of your local   information and assistance,
             community who you may not   email community@worcester.
             know so well in an informal

             Popular park at Cromwell Crescent gets makeover

             Worcester City Council is            the planting of new bulbs, shrubs and
             undertaking several improvements at   trees.
             Cromwell Crescent Park (WR5 2JW).
                                                  “This investment will really improve the
             New all-weather paths are to be      experience of visitors to this much-loved
             created along with the installation   park,” says Cllr Andy Stafford, Chair of
             of more bins, park benches, cycle    Worcester City Council’s Environment
             hoops, picnic tables and natural play   Committee.
                                                  “It will also ensure that it continues to
             The iron entrance gate and posts     provide a safe haven for birds and bats,
             which were originally manufactured at   with the new wildflower meadow helping
             a Worcester foundry will be restored,   to boost the numbers of bees and other
             and new railings will be installed   insect pollinators.”
             adjacent to Cromwell Crescent.
                                                  City Council staff and contractors in the
             In the autumn and spring, several    park will be supported by members of
             steps to boost biodiversity will     Community Payback – a national scheme
             also be introduced – including the   which allows offenders to work, under
             installation of bird and bat boxes, the   close supervision, on projects to pay
             creation of a wildflower meadow and   back the community for their crimes.
                                                                                                 Fun at Cromwell Crescent play area

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