Page 22 - City Life Magazine - Autumn Edition
P. 22
22 Issue 56 • October 2021
1621 – 2021:
New works of art On 2 October 1621,
inspired by Charter King James I put his
seal to the Charter that
granted Worcester the
rights and constitution
which still form the basis
The City Council has commissioned local artists to for modern governance
of the city today.
produce brand new works to mark the Charter’s 400th
anniversary. You can view them in The Guildhall foyer A celebration event will
be held at the Guildhall
from Saturday 2 October to Sunday 14 November. on Saturday 2 October –
the exact date when the
Charter was signed 400
Textile artist Michelle had to lay all the different of the factories, including years ago.
Flint is creating a 3m sections out in my garden transfer prints from original
square fabric wall-hanging so I can see what the photographs of the You’ll be able to view
which focuses on three overall effect is like.” workers,” says Michelle. the original Charter,
prominent industries that watch a free, humorous
made Worcester the city it The industries Michelle HOP MARKET 45-minute play about
is today. chose to illustrate are: Worcester used to have the the city’s history, and
only authorised Hop Market see new Charter-
She has created the GLOVE-MAKING in England outside of inspired artwork.
design using appliqué In the late 1700s and early London, selling an amazing
(shapes cut out of fabric 1800s, Worcester produced 50,000 pockets of hops to Further details at:
and sewn together), nearly half of Britain’s brewery dealers every year. W: www.visitworcester.
embroidery, fabric paint, gloves and is still known for
and photo-transfer. its former prominence in The Hop Pole Inn on
the industry. Foregate Street was
“It’s been quite a challenge a prestigious hotel in incorporated a lightweight
producing an artwork Michelle researched the 1800s, with guests mirror, so that people can
on this scale,” explains four companies – Dents, including Lord Nelson and see themselves within
Michelle. “I’ve used 20 Fownes, Milore, and Alwyn Princess Victoria. the artwork.”
metres of black ribbon Gloves. Dents and Fownes
on just one building! I’ve were both founded in TOURISM ADD YOUR MEMORIES
1777; Alwyn Gloves “I’ve added a 21st Century Visitors will be able to write
was the last glove- twist by illustrating about their experience
making company Worcester’s 2020 Light of living and working in
in Worcester, Night Festival,” says Worcester on tags, which
closing in 2015. Michelle. “The railway can be put in pockets
Arches and The Hive attached to the artwork.
“I have will be the backdrop for These will be photographed
chosen to my design; they’ll be lit and uploaded to Michelle’s
illustrate one with LED lights. I’ve also blog at
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