Page 17 - City Life Magazine - Autumn Edition
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Council steps in to tidy
up eyesore property
The City Council has used special
powers to step in and clear up an
unkempt and overgrown garden
at a property in Somers Road,
which had been empty for over
ten years. At work to tame the out of control garden in Somers Road, Worcester
The absent owner, whose McMillan, who lives in the City Council’s Communities HAVE YOU HAD
whereabouts are unknown, neighbourhood. Committee. SIMILAR PROBLEMS?
had not kept up with The City Council can use
general maintenance of “We’re very pleased that “If your property has a planning powers to take
the Worcester property. this action has been taken negative impact on others, action where properties
The garden had become by the City Council’s the City Council can intervene have been neglected
extremely overgrown, planning department.” and use available powers to and cause problems for
causing a headache for remedy the situation.” neighbours.
neighbours and an eyesore The extensive works
for the whole community. cost close to £10,000. If
the Council is unable to
The City Council’s planning trace the owner, it could
enforcement team served undertake an Enforced
a Tidy Up Notice on the Sale of the property to
property in November 2020. recover the costs of the
The owner didn’t respond, work and prevent further
so the Council stepped deterioration.
in to cut back masses of
out-of-control ivy and trim “While the majority of
trees which were obscuring empty properties are well
neighbours’ view. maintained, this cautionary
tale demonstrates that
“The front and back gardens absent owners still have
of the property had been responsibilities to their After and before work was completed
completely overgrown for neighbours and to the wider
many years and the house community,” said Cllr James For more information:
unoccupied,” says John Stanley, Chair of Worcester W:
Winner scoops £2,000 on Worcester Community Lottery
A local resident won £2,000 on the Both winners had chosen the Friends of £25,000. They
Worcester Community Lottery this of Tudor Grange Academy as the local sign up at www.
summer – with a second person cause to benefit from their lottery worcesterlottery.
winning £250 during the same month. subscription. The school is one of 78 org for entry into a
local causes which people can raise weekly draw.
funds for when they play the lottery.
Since the lottery’s launch,
A spokesperson for the Academy over £16,000 has been paid out
said: “We are so pleased for the in prizes to people living in the
winners and are very grateful to them Worcester area.
for choosing to support our school
community in this way.” To date the Worcester Community
Lottery has raised over £57,700 for
Worcester Community Lottery local good causes – including schools,
Tudor Grange Academy - one of eight players have a one-in-50 chance of charities, arts organisations and sports
schools supported by the Worcester
Community Lottery winning a prize, up to a maximum clubs.
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