Page 13 - City Life Magazine - Autumn Edition
P. 13                                                                                    13

                                                                                               BUSINESS SUPPORT

             Taking the plunge

             in the pandemic

             Starting a new business is never easy, and
             launching a new café in a pandemic is even
             harder – but that’s exactly what Eddie and

             Nancy Little Jones did this time last year, when
             they opened the Meeting Place in Friar Street.

             Eddie says: “It was daunting
             and scary, but also exciting and     “We’re here to cook as best we can,
             exhilarating. We’re very optimistic   source the best ingredients we can,
             people and we’ve always thought      and be warm and welcoming.
             hospitality is an incredible industry
             because people are always going      “Really good quality ingredients are
             to want to eat out. You can’t beat   key to what we do. We are very local
             going into a pub, restaurant or café   and source all our vegetables and
             and having great food with good      meat from Worcestershire, or the
             music, nice décor and enthusiastic   neighbouring counties when we need
             people serving you.”                 to – our cider is from Herefordshire
                                                  and our milk is from a farm just 10
             SIMPLE & CLEAR                       miles away.”
             The Worcester-born couple have a
             philosophy that’s proving a hit with   OUTSIDE SPACE                      Grant from Worcester City Council,
             their customers.                     Opening during the pandemic          they were able to convert the outside
                                                  made Eddie and Nancy realise the     yard into a seating area, boosting the
             “Our mission statement is simple     importance of having outdoor space   Meeting Place’s seating from 32 to
             food, simple coffee. We have very    for customers.                       48.
             clear, simple menu descriptions –
             what you order is what you get,”     With the help of 12 hours of business   Eddie says: “The support from the
             explains Eddie.                      guidance and a Business Start-up     City Council was vital because we
                                                                                       could only serve outdoors in the
                                                                                       lockdown, and even now some
                                                                                       people prefer to sit outside. It’s
                                                                                       also a long-term investment, as the
                                                                                       outdoor seating will always give us a
                                                                                       boost in the summer.”

                                                                                         THINKING OF STARTING A
                                                                                         NEW BUSINESS?
                                                                                         Worcester City Council has
                                                                                         grants of up to £1,000 available
                                                                                         to city-based businesses in their
                                                                                         first year of trading. The grant
                                                                                         must be match-funded from your
                                                                                         business’s own resources.

                                                                                         Growth grants of between £1,000
                                                                                         and £3,000 are also available for
                                                                                         businesses that have been trading
                                                                                         for more than a year.

                                                                                         Find out more at www.worcester.
              Eddie and Nancy Little Jones

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