Page 29 - City Life Magazine - Autumn Edition
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City hospitality
trade needs you!
With most COVID restrictions
lifted, Worcester has seen a
sudden surge in job vacancies and
a welcome drop in unemployment.
But the city’s hospitality same thing, with chefs
sector is struggling to and front of house staff in
find the staff needed to huge demand.
cope with demand as
people rush back to their “We have all increased
favourite cafés, pubs and our pay offer by up to
restaurants – and tourists 30% and we are also
flood into Worcester. offering more flexi-
time, on-the-job training
City Life spoke to Sam and long-term career
Barriscale, owner of opportunities for young
Ma Baker’s Bakery in people, with many Sam Barriscale
Warndon, to find out how trainees going on to start
the sector is responding their own businesses. before but he’s really friends for life and meet
to this national skills enjoying it and I will be customers from across the
shortage. “I was finally able to fill employing him at the end globe visiting our fantastic
my vacancy through the of his placement. city.
“I struggled to fill a Government’s Kickstart
baker vacancy recently” placement scheme, “The industry has a “I would encourage
says Sam. “Whereas I taking on a young man reputation for hard work anyone looking for a
would have had up to 40 with no experience, but and long hours, but it’s career, a job or a new
applications before the thanks to on- and off- also like joining a family, direction to explore the
pandemic, I only received the-job training he’s now especially in Worcester range of opportunities in
one. The trade customers doing well. He had never where you feel part of our sector and come and
I supply are all saying the thought of being a baker the community, make join the family.”
Start your career in hospitality
Jobs – If you would like to apply for one of the many
jobs in Worcester’s hospitality businesses, visit www.
Apprenticeships – If you are interested in hospitality
apprenticeships, check out Worcestershire
Apprenticeships for vacancies and the chance to chat to
an adviser:
Kickstart placements – If you’re aged 16-24 and have a
Job Centre Work Coach you can apply for a Kickstart
placement. Find out more by talking to your Work Coach
at the next appointment and head to jobhelp.campaign.
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