Page 17 - City Life Magazine - Winter Edition
P. 17                                                                                   17

          6  This 1951 view of The Cadena Café   9  We would have loved a photo of    renaming this street after the Battle
             is taken from a street originally   the old Drake’s Drum pub for this    of... what?
             known as Goose Lane. What is the    question, but alas, we have none!   a   Trafalgar
             street known as today?              Drummond’s is as close as we could   b   Copenhagen
                                                 get with this 1960s image of the   c  Gheluvelt
                                                 building in which it is now based,
                                                 again in which city centre street?   12 Finally, there were lots of ladies (and
                                                                                      gentlemen) dancing at the Gaumont
                                                                                      during the 20th century, at the many
                                                                                      concerts performed here by famous
                                                                                      acts as well as upstairs at Silvester’s
                                                                                      Dance Hall. Where is this?

          a   St Swithin’s Street
          b   St Nicholas Street
          c  High Street                       a   Friar Street
                                               b   New Street
          7  There have been several pubs      c  Broad Street
             around the city named the
             Swan Inn over the years. This     10 A stunning view here of
             one is pictured prior to major      Worcester’s former Public Hall    a   Foregate Street
             redevelopment work taking place     in Cornmarket, taken in the       b   Pierpoint Street
             in the mid-20th century, and the    1960s. The hall once housed a     c  The Tything
             construction of the Lychgate        magnificent pipe organ, played by
             Shopping Centre. Which city         Elgar himself, and manufactured by
             street is this?                     a world-renowned factory based
                                                 in Worcester. The company that
                                                 produced the pipe organ was
                                                 known by what name?

                                                                                   There are many hundreds more historic
                                                                                   photographs of Worcester available online
                                                                                   at the Know Your Place Worcester website –
                                                                                   go to (or scan the
                                                                                   above QR code). You can also share your
                                                                                   own photographs, memories and information
                                                                                   – perhaps you have a photograph of the
          a   Lich Street                                                          Drake’s Drum pub you would like to share for
          b   Friar Street                                                         future generations?
          c  Pump Street                                                             SIX DAYS OF CHRISTMAS
                                               a   Nicholson’s                       MARKETS IN WORCESTER
          8  At one time the city was full of   b   Nickelby’s                       CITY CENTRE
             milk bars – establishments where   c  Norton’s                          Still got Christmas shopping to
             you could hang out and chat                                             do? Now is the time to browse
             over a milkshake. This 1960s view   11 This early 20th-century view calls   Worcester’s special festive markets.
             shows the milk bar in which street?  to mind a celebrated visitor to the
                                                 city – Lord Nelson himself! The     A Fine Food and Gift Markets Festive
                                                 city commemorated his famous        craft market with over 25 stalls will
                                                 victory in the early 19th-century by
                                                                                     be held in High Street between
                                                                                     Friday 9 December and Sunday 11
                                                                                     December, 9am-5pm.

                                                                                     From Friday 16 December until
                                                                                     Sunday 18 December another market
                                                                                     in High Street and Cathedral Square
                                                                                     will be selling locally produced
          a   Shaw Street                                                            food and drink, and Christmas gifts,
          b   The Cross                                                              between 9am and 5pm.
          c  Angel Street                                                                                            Swithin’s Street; 7 c) Pump Street; 8 c) Angel Street; 9 b) New Street; 10 a) Nicholson’s; 11 b) Copenhagen; 12 a) Foregate Street

                                                                                                                     Quiz answers: 1 a) HRH The Prince of Wales; 2 b) Pheasant Street; 3 a) Cadbury’s; 4 c) Foregate Street; 5 b) Rainbow Hill; 6 a) St

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