Page 13 - City Life Magazine - Winter Edition
P. 13                                                                                   13

         Residents go green with

         new car share scheme

          Residents in the Arboretum area
          are going green with a pay-as-you-

          go car share scheme.

          The Car Club vehicle, a    The Mayor of
          low emission Hyundai       Worcester, Councillor
          Ioniq Hybrid, has been     Adrian Gregson, said:
          provided by Enterprise     “Encouraging car
          Car Club, and is parked at   sharing is a key part of
          Worcester Baptist Church   our strategy to help cut
          on Sansone Walk in the     carbon emissions and
          city centre.               improve the environment
                                     for all. The car club is also
          Residents wishing to use   a great way of providing
          the car pay a small monthly   convenient and flexible
          fee and can then pre-book   transport for those who
          the car online or via an app   might not be able to
          when they need it.         afford a car of their own.”  (l to r) Randall Rickabaugh of Enterprise Cars; Mayor of Worcester
                                                                 Councillor Adrian Gregson, Kevin Thomas of Enterprise Cars and
          Once signed up,            Enterprise is offering      Reverend Darren Smith, Worcester Baptist Church.
          customers have access      Worcester residents their
          to the largest Car Club    first year’s annual standard
          in the UK with 1,500 cars   membership for just £10
          and vans located in more   (usually & thereafter £60/
          than 220 cities, towns     yr). As well as saving
          and communities, across    £50 on membership
          the country.               fees, when you join you
                                     can also get £10 free         WHICH BIN AT CHRISTMAS?
          As well as helping reduce   driving credit. Terms and              In your green bin:
          the number of cars on the   conditions apply.
          road, it is also a great option                                      Cans and plastic bottles
                                                                               Christmas cards and advent calendars
          for residents who can’t    To find out more about the                (except foil or glitter)
          afford their own car but find   service in Worcester, go to          Envelopes
          it convenient to have the              Drinks bottles - glass
          use of a vehicle occasionally.  and search for “Worcester”.          Matte paper wrapping paper
                                                                               Cardboard boxes and used crackers
                                                                               Paper plates, paper tablecloths, paper
                                                                               napkins, plastic cups
           Bins at Christmas                                                   Christmas wrapping paper (except foil)

                                                                             In your black bin:
           There’s always a lot to think about over Christmas and
           New Year – so it’s good news that Worcester residents               Foil/shiny wrapping paper or cards
                                                                               Silver foil
           don’t have to worry about one essential service over                Foil food trays
           the festive period.                                                 Crisp packets and sweet wrappers
                                                                               Old toys (or donate them to a charity shop)
           This year there will be no changes to bin collection                Ribbon, tinsel and baubles (or re-use them)
           days over both the Christmas and New Year weeks, so                 Cellophane, polystyrene and bubble wrap
                                                                               Drinking glasses
           please continue to put your bins out on your normal                 Pyrex
           collection day.
                                                                             Take to a Household Recycling Centre
           Full details of what can go into your green and black               Old electricals - including fairy lights
           bins are at:                  Batteries and light bulbs
           household-recycling                                                 Old mobile phones and chargers

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