Page 16 - City Life Magazine - Winter Edition
P. 16

16                                                                                Issue 61  •  December 2022

                  CHRISTMAS QUIZ

             Worcester’s 12 quiz

             questions of Christmas

             How well do you know your local history? Test your knowledge of old

             Worcester with our fun festive quiz, inspired by the 12 Days of Christmas.

             Worcester City Council has a large      and we’re cheating slightly here.    4  The earlier versions of 12 Days of
             collection of photographs of the        This street isn’t named after Turtle   Christmas refer to 4 Colly (rather
             city’s history over the last century,   Doves - but another bird that’s      than calling) birds, an early English
             and during the pandemic these were      popular for Christmas Dinner! It’s   word meaning black, like coal. Most
             used in online quizzes that proved      a street much changed since this     households in Worcester would have
             popular with thousands of people        1960s image was taken, but where     relied on coal to fuel their stoves and
             during the lockdowns.                   is it?                               fires in the mid-20th century, and
                                                                                          this 1950s image shows the Cannock
             So with festive celebrations on the                                          Chase Coal Limited offices, based
             horizon, it’s time to take a seasonal                                        next door to the cinema in which city
             dive into the archive again, and                                             centre street?
             summon up the Ghost of Christmas
             Quizzes Past.

             And if you want to know where
             you can see more photos of how
             Worcester used to look – you’ll find
             details on the next page!            a   Turkey Lane
                                                  b   Pheasant Street
             Answers at the bottom of p.17.       c  Peacock Row

             THE QUESTION:                        3  An early image here of the railway   a   Angel Street
             1  There are no Partridges in           signal box at Henwick Road (see   b   Broad Street
                this Black Pear tree located in      what we did there?) one of many   c  Foregate Street
                Cripplegate Park. It was planted     smaller stations or halts around
                in 1932 by which member of the       the city at that time. Another of   5  There would have been plenty of
                Royal family?                        these was located at Blackpole,      gold rings to be found at F Davis,
                                                     serving which famous chocolate       Jeweller’s shop, shown here in
                                                     factory?                             1951. Which road is this?

             a   HRH The Prince of Wales
             b   King George V
             c  Queen Mary
                                                  a   Cadbury’s                        a   Barbourne Road
             2  There are lots of birds referred to   b   Rowntree’s                   b   Rainbow Hill
                during the 12 Days of Christmas   c  Terry’s                           c  Lowesmoor

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