Page 23 - City Life Magazine - Summer 2021 Edition
P. 23 23
Powers extended to tackle
alcohol consumption in Worcester
Worcester City councillors have
voted to extend measures to
allow the confiscation of alcohol
from people who are causing a
nuisance in public spaces.
A Public Spaces Police Safer Neighbourhood
Protection Order (PSPO), Teams were among those
which applies to public to report back that the
spaces across the city Order was a valuable tool
centre and some parts to prevent alcohol-related
of Blackpole, Brickfields anti-social behaviour from
and Warndon, will occurring and escalating.
be extended until
August 2024. Alcohol-related anti-
social behaviour
The Order does not decreased by 23% in
prohibit people from the 12 months following
social drinking in parks the introduction of the
and outdoor spaces in Alcohol PSPO in 2018.
the city. However, it does
give Police the power to “The consumption of
intervene when alcohol alcohol and related anti- of the City Council’s and that extending it
consumption escalates social behaviour in public Communities Committee. will continue to have
into anti-social behaviour. spaces can be a real a positive impact on
nuisance to local residents, “Following feedback from communities in Worcester.”
The decision to extend causing disturbance partners and residents, we
the PSPO follows a public and increasing their are confident that the area Breaching the Order
consultation, which took anxiety,” says Councillor covered by the existing carries a maximum penalty
place in March 2021. James Stanley, Chair PSPO is appropriate, fine of £70.
Find It – and Do It!
As life begins to return
to normal, now is the
perfect time to learn
a new skill, meet like-
minded locals or discover
the perfect venue for
your favourite activities.
The finditdoit.worcester. website lets you
search for local clubs,
societies, sport, art and
craft activities, places to
visit and much more!
So pay the site a visit, see
what’s on offer, and live
your life to the full.
10/06/2021 11:35
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