Page 22 - City Life Magazine - Summer 2021 Edition
P. 22

22                                                                                      Issue 55  •  July 2021

                   COMMUNITY LIFE

             Worcester City Run returns

             in September 2021

             The ever-popular mass participation running event is back!

             This year, the Worcester    many raising money for     amount of support from      local companies and
             City Half Marathon,         good causes.               the people of Worcester,    spectators on the city
             10K and Young Athletes                                 from participants and       streets. We can’t wait to
             Run will be joined on       This year the              volunteers, through to      be back!”
             the weekend of 4-5          Worcestershire
             September by Paula          Ambassadors are official
             Radcliffe’s Families on     charity partners for the
             Track initiative.           event, raising much-
                                         needed funds to support
             The event has previously    local people as they
             attracted thousands of      deal with the impact
             runners and spectators      COVID has had on
             to the city. The Half       local communities.
             Marathon, 10K and Junior
             Run have grown in size      Steve Cram, founder
             year-on-year, with leading   of the Air Products                              Further details and
             club athletes and large     Worcester City Runs, says:                          entries now open at:
             numbers of fun runners      “From day one, we’ve                             W:
             all taking part – with      always received a huge

             Get to know your place better – with free access

             to archive photos and historic maps of Worcester

             Know Your Place Worcester at         Sheena Payne-Lunn, Worcester
    is a free        City Council’s Historic Environment
             online platform which gives access   Record Officer, says: “The
             to hundreds of archive photos,       Know Your Place Worcester site
             historic maps and pieces of data     will help people to rekindle
             about Worcester.                     memories by looking at archive
                                                  photos of streets, shops and
             This new easy-to-use tool can help   prominent places.
             you to find out more about your
             local area, reconnect with your past   “It will also be a powerful tool
             and explore the city’s rich heritage.  for anyone who wants to research
                                                  family history, explore local
             People are also starting to          archaeology or find out about how    in The Guildhall on Saturday 26
             contribute their own Worcester       previous generations lived in their   June from 11am to 4pm.
             knowledge, memories and images to    street or neighbourhood.”
             the site – ensuring that the content                                      An archive photography exhibition
             will grow and become relevant to an   The City Council has developed      will recreate Worcester’s High
             increasing number of people.         the platform in partnership with     Street as it would have appeared in
                                                  Herefordshire and Worcestershire     the 1950s, and live demonstrations
                                                  Health and Care NHS Trust            of both Know Your Place Worcester
                                                  – thanks to support from the         and the NHS platform Life Stories
                                                  National Lottery Heritage Fund.      Herefordshire & Worcestershire will
                                                                                       take place throughout the day.
                                                  GET INVOLVED
                                                  Subject to the lifting of further      For more information:
                                                  COVID restrictions, a Know Your       W:
                                                  Place Worcester celebration and       E:
                                                  demonstration event will take place   T:  01905 721133

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