Page 7 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2022
P. 7                                                                                    7

                                                                                         LEADER’S MESSAGE

                                              Dear residents,                      create a new community facility in
                                                                                   the Comer Gardens Institute.
                                              At the end of last month the City
                                              Council met and set the budget       The budget also allocates £80,000
                                              for the year ahead. This marks       to further improve street-cleaning in
                                              the end of several months of hard    the city as well as money to support
                                              work by officers and councillors     our enhanced measures to tackle
                                              in pulling together the ideas and    the problems caused by gulls.
                                              projects that we hope will help
                                              continue Worcester’s progress        Seeking to protect the vulnerable
                                              and improvement. The budget this     in society has also been a theme of
                                              year has been helped by additional   this budget and, as such, we have
                                              money from the Government which      allocated £10,000 for a campaign
                                              has recognised that Covid has had    to combat drink-spiking as well as
                                              an impact not just upon the Council   £45,000 to support the invaluable
          Marc Bayliss                        but also on the residents and        work of the Worcester Foodbank.
                                              businesses it serves. I am grateful   There is also a further £40,000 to
                                              for the work our MP, Robin Walker,   support Worcester’s Citizen’s Advice
                                              and others in Parliament have        Bureau and the help it offers to
                                              done in making the case for local    residents in need.
                                              authorities to receive this additional
                                              funding.                             I believe that, taken together, the
                                                                                   measures in this budget will make a
                                              In addition to the services and      lasting impact on the quality of life
                                              projects we have already committed   for people in Worcester, and also
                                              to, this year’s budget also allocates   support our city’s economy as we
                                              £1 million more to a range of        emerge from the pandemic. I am
                                              initiatives across the City including:   proud that we have achieved this
                                              an additional £200,000 to install    while also keeping Council Tax as
                                              more electric vehicle charging points   low as possible, in recognition of the
                                              in council car parks; £100,000 to    cost of living pressures that people
                                              create a new play area off Cotswold   are facing.
                                              Way in Warndon, with environmental
                                              enhancements; £60,000 to help the    This budget really is helping us to
                                              city’s communities celebrate The     Build Back Better in Worcester.
                                              Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and the
                                              Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth         Kind regards,
                                              Games; £48,000 to support
                                              improving biodiversity in the city;   Marc
                                              £60,000 to build a new BMX pump
                                              track which will enhance activities   Councillor Marc Bayliss
                                              for young people; and £140,000 to    Leader – Worcester City Council

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