Page 5 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2022
P. 5                                                                                    5

          City Council

          budget: what’s

          in it for you?

          An investment of £1.1m       electric vehicle charging
          in new play, sport,          points in car parks
          community facilities, the   • £100,000 to create a new
          city’s appearance and        play area off Cotswold
          environment, alongside       Way in Warndon,           • £140,000 to create a       cycling by employing
          celebrations of the Jublilee   with environmental        new community facility     a dedicated active
          and the Commonwealth         enhancements                area in the Comer          travel officer
          Games, is at the heart of   • £30,000 to help the city’s   Gardens Institute
          Worcester City Council’s     communities celebrate The   • £80,000 to further      Councillor Marc Bayliss,
          budget for 2022-23.          Queen’s Platinum Jubilee    improve street-cleaning   Leader of the City Council,
                                     • £30,000 for celebrations    in the city               says, “These initiatives will
          They are part of the         of the Birmingham 2022    • £10,000 for a campaign    hopefully make a lasting
          £12.26m net budget           Commonwealth Games          to combat drink-spiking   difference to the quality of life
          agreed by city councillors   • £48,000 to support      • £40,000 to support        for people in Worcester, while
          for 2022-23.                 biodiversity in the city    Worcester’s Citizens      also keeping Council Tax as
                                     • £60,000 to build a new      Advice Bureau             low as possible, in recognition
          The investments will include:  BMX pump track in       • £100,000 to boost the     of the cost of living pressures
          • £200,000 to install more   St Peter’s                  take-up of walking and    that people are facing.”

          Swimming pool to close for 12 weeks

          for tiles upgrade

          The timetable for the replacement of the poolside tiles at Perdiswell

          Leisure Centre has been confirmed, with the swimming pools set to
          close for 12 weeks over the summer.

                                                                 The temporary closure       Other facilities at
                                                                 will allow new tiling to be   Perdiswell Leisure Centre,
                                                                 installed in the pool hall,   including the gym, exercise
                                                                 providing an improved anti-  classes, outdoor pitches
                                                                 slip surface for users of both   and tennis courts, will
                                                                 the main eight-lane pool and   remain open as usual
                                                                 the smaller multi-use pool.  throughout the summer.

                                                                 The pool hall will close from   The Council and Freedom
                                                                 20 June to 11 September,    Leisure, which operates
                                                                 coinciding with the summer   the leisure centre on
                                                                 holidays, when fewer people   its behalf, are working
                                                                 are swimming indoors.       hard to make alternative
                                                                                             arrangements so that
                                                                 The poolside changing       people can continue to
                                                                 rooms will close earlier, to   enjoy swimming pool
                                                                 allow the tiles to be replaced   access over the summer.
                                                                 there. That work will start on   Worcester swimmers who
                                                                 9 May, but swimmers of all   are Freedom members will
                                                                 ages and abilities will still be   be able to use the Malvern
                                                                 able to enjoy the pools by   Splash pool, and details of
                                                                 using the changing rooms in   additional arrangements
                                                                 the leisure centre’s ‘dry-side’.  will be announced soon.

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