Page 3 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2022
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          Welcome                                                                    4-5:    News

                                                                                     7:      Leader’s message
          With the days getting longer         With flowers and trees all starting
          and the worst of the pandemic        to bloom, it is a great honour        10-11:   Community Life: Knife
          hopefully behind us, many people     for Worcester to be named as a               Angel turns the tide
          will have a spring in their step and   Champion City in another important         against violence
          be looking to the future.            part of the Jubilee celebration, The
                                               Queen’s Green Canopy. Page 13         12-13:   Greener Worcester: action
          Here in Worcester things are         reveals how a local cricketing hero          to protect our environment
          looking very bright indeed,          helped make this news even more
          with several major                   of a reason to celebrate.             14:     The Queen’s Platinum
          regeneration projects                                                             Jubilee
          getting underway.                                   The springtime
          Anyone who uses                                     also means             15:     Grants up for grabs
          Hylton Road regularly                               holidays and fun
          will have seen the                                  for all the family,    16-17:   What’s on in Worcester
          Severn Centre for                                   as Easter breaks               this spring
          Health and Wellbeing                                and bank holidays
          starting to take place                              beckon. Our city       22-23:   The changing face of
          in the old Worcester                                will be hosting fun           Worcester
          News building. And                                 events for all the
          our city’s creative                                family; just turn to    24:     What’s happening at
          community have been                                p.16 to discover               Worcester’s museums
          able to enjoy their                                what’s on.
          first glimpse inside                                                       26:     Help for businesses
          the new studios                                    Sadly, despite all the   27:     Supporting job seekers
          created at The Arches                              happiness that this
          – turn to p.22 to find out more.     time of year inspires, some people    28:     Housing: action to tackle
                                               can still fall victim to violence and        untidy properties
          Worcester has long been known        aggression. The imposing 27ft tall
          as the Faithful City because of its   Knife Angel is in Cathedral Square   29:      How Worcester was
          loyalty to the Royal Family. This    throughout the month of March to             supported through the
          year The Queen has become the        inspire people to change their ways.         pandemic
          first monarch in history to celebrate   You can read all about its message
          her Platinum Jubilee. There will be   of hope on p.10.
          celebrations across the city and if                                        Worcester City Council does not accept
          you want to organise one of your     David Blake                           responsibility for or endorse any products
          own, help is available, as you’ll    Managing Director                     or services offered by advertisers. All
          discover on p.14.                    Worcester City Council                information correct at time of printing.
                                                                                     All event details correct at the time of
                                                                                     going to press.
          BENGALI                              PUNJABI
                                                                                     Printed on environmentally friendly paper
                                                                                     from renewable sources. When you have
                                                                                     finished with this magazine please recycle it.
                                                                                     Worcester City Life is designed and
                                                                                     printed by: KM Media & Marketing.
                                                                                     Media & Marketing
                                                                                     Front cover image: The Knife Angel,
                                                                                     NEWSPAPERS | MAGAZINES | WEBSITES
                                                                                     on display in Cathedral Square
                                                                                                     KM Media & Marketing,
                                                                                                     County House,
                                                                            URDU                     9 Checkpoint Court,
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                                                                                                     LN6 3PW
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