Page 23 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2021
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Worcester’s next BIG thing!
Something big is coming to Worcester and it’s a chance to reconnect
with family, with friends, with colleagues and with the city…
This summer will see our impact of issues such as
city transformed into a fun, bereavement and loss,
free art space as a herd loneliness and isolation
of beautifully designed which have affected so
elephant sculptures parade many in recent times.
through Worcester’s streets
and public spaces. Thirty Sara Matthews, Business
large elephants, including Development Manager for
one sponsored by the City St. Richard’s Hospice, said:
Council, will go on display “Worcester’s Big Parade is
during an eight-week art very much about celebrating
trail alongside 36 calves our fantastic city and
designed by local schools giving something back to
and community groups. our wonderful community,
who show such incredible
A Wild in Art trail, being support for our care here at
brought to the city by St. Richard’s.
St. Richard’s Hospice,
Worcester’s Big Parade is “We can’t wait to see
a chance for us to all get everyone out enjoying our
out and about after the ele-fantastic art trail; making
challenges of the last year lasting memories for years
or so. to come. We also want to
address some of the lesser
St. Richard’s also see the talked about impacts of
parade as an opportunity the pandemic, reaching
to reflect on some of those out to those who might
challenges and signpost be struggling with loss,
city residents to support loneliness or other issues
services. and helping them connect
with local support networks.
An ‘elephant in the room’ art
installation will encourage “We’re looking forward to
trail goers to consider their helping the city smile once
mental wellbeing and the again.”
Worcester’s Big Parade will run from Monday 12
July until Sunday 5 September 2021:
More on sponsorship opportunities can be found at:
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