Page 19 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2021
P. 19                                                                                   19

          6,650 new trees planted

          in Worcester this winter

          The enormous tree planting effort has been made possible thanks
          to successful applications by Worcester City Council to central

          Government’s Urban Tree Challenge Fund, which aims to support the
          planting of more than 130,000 trees across England’s towns and cities.

                                                                                         Council staff during mammoth tree
                                                                                             planting session at Perdiswell

                       Cllr Andy Stafford plants
                       trees at Perdiswell - with
                        a little help from his dog

          “Planting more trees is one of several   work. I’d therefore like to thank all   A further 1,500 trees have been
          actions set out in the Environmental   the staff involved.”              planted at Diglis Playing Fields
          Sustainability Strategy for Worcester,                                   (WR5 3EF) to create woodland
          which aims for the city to become    A ten-strong team of staff from     walkways and 600 at the Howard
          carbon neutral by 2030,” says Cllr Andy   Worcester City Council completed   Road recreational grounds in St.
          Stafford, Vice Chair of Worcester City   the mammoth task of planting    John’s, creating a barrier with
          Council’s Environment Committee.     4,000 native broadleaved trees in   neighbouring residential properties.
                                               Perdiswell. The species were selected   The remaining 550 trees have been
          “As anyone who’s tried it knows,     by the Forestry Commission to       planted in a variety of locations
          tree planting is hard and painstaking   maximise biosecurity and biodiversity.  across the city.
          Financial support to keep Worcester homes

          warm – and save money on heating bills

          Worcester residents can    to net zero emissions by    money on heating bills,     external wall insultation, this
          apply for free external    2050.                       at no cost to you. I would   is expected to rise to a C.
          wall insulation, if their                              urge people who meet the
          combined household         “Improving the energy       qualifying criteria to come   Home occupants are
          income is £30,000 or less.   efficiency of local people’s   forward and apply.”    expected to save an
                                     homes is an important                                   average of £150 per year on
          Funding is available       step towards meeting        To qualify, you must be     energy bills, following the
          following a successful     Worcester’s pledge to       a homeowner and your        improvements.
          countywide application to   become carbon neutral by   property must have solid
          the Government’s Green     2030,” says Cllr Joy Squires,   walls (as opposed to    To find out more and
          Homes Grant local delivery   Chair of the City Council’s   cavity walls). The property   to check your eligibility
          scheme. This aims to help   Environment Committee.     must have an Energy         for the scheme, contact
          reduce fuel poverty, phase                             Performance Certificate of E   Act on Energy at https://
          out high carbon fossil fuel   “This is a really good   or below (with A being the or call
          heating and contribute     opportunity to make your    most energy efficient and G   0800 988 2881 (Monday to
          to the UK’s commitment     home warmer and to save     being the worst). Following   Friday 9am to 5pm).

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