Page 22 - City Life Magazine - Winter 2021
P. 22
22 Issue 57 • December 2021
Changing face of Worcester
Four of Worcester’s
iconic Victorian railway
arches have been fully
refurbished and will
be ready to welcome
their first tenants early
in the New Year.
The Arches-Worcester initiative,
which has received an investment
of over £3 million from
central Government’s Cultural
Development Fund, aims to create a
new cultural quarter for Worcester.
“We are really excited to see
the refurbishment of the first
four arches completed,” said Cllr
Adrian Gregson, Chair of the The studios will be let for creative and
Arches-Worcester Steering Group. artistic purposes, in line with conditions
attached to the funding.
“We expect interest in occupying
these brand new studios to be high A number of arches in the vicinity
– we look forward to welcoming the are already occupied by restaurants
first tenants to the Arches-Worcester and bars, a brewery, a coffee bar, For more information:
in early 2022.” entertainment and industrial design units. W:
Plans for Worcester’s new Artist’s impression of the new Scala
Theatre for Worcester
theatre move forward
A brand new performance arts Theatres relocating to the new site
centre is to be created for the city, in Angel Place when it’s ready. It is
replacing the existing Swan Theatre anticipated that the new facility will
based at The Moors. open in 2024.
“Whilst our team will be incredibly
Worcester’s Angel Place and “This new facility will not only enrich sad to leave the Swan Theatre, which
the surrounding area are to be the lives of local people, but it will has served both our organisation and
transformed into an exciting also increase footfall to the north of others so well over the past decades,
leisure, cultural, entertainment and the city centre and create many new we recognise that the new facility will
residential quarter over the next jobs in the creative, construction, provide our team and all those who
five years. hospitality and retail sectors,” says engage with the arts a venue future-
Councillor Marc Bayliss, Leader of proofed for decades to come.”
The work is being paid for by a Worcester City Council.
£17.9 million investment from The next step will be to appoint
central Government’s Future High Sarah-Jane Morgan, Chief Executive architects to develop detailed
Streets Fund. of Worcester Theatres, adds: “The designs for the new theatre, with
Council’s aspirations to provide a a view to submitting a planning
The centrepiece will be the fabulous new cultural venue for the proposal in the first half of 2022.
conversion of the former Scala city offers our organisation the ability
Theatre and Corn Exchange to develop ambitious plans to bring For more information:
buildings into a fantastic new arts new artists and fresh professional W:
venue, with staff from Worcester programming to Worcester.” streets-fund
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