Page 17 - City Life Magazine - Winter 2021
P. 17                                                                                   17

          confidential and non-judgemental
          service for people who have
          experienced domestic abuse. They
          support you whether you are still in
          the relationship or have left.

          “The DAWN project has been
          absolutely fantastic. I don’t think
          I’d be where I am today if it
          wasn’t for the help, support and
          understanding I’ve received from
          them. We’ve been in touch for about
          three years and they have given me
          emotional and practical support
          throughout. We’ve had regular face-
          to-face and group sessions as well
          as help over the phone.

          “Jo my support worker talked through
          my options and helped me prepare a
          plan to leave. I had a bag packed with
          mine and the children’s essentials and
          everything else I needed. I gradually
          took items over to my parents’ house,
          without him finding out.

          “So on the day I finally did decide   me to see that this wasn’t the case   WHAT IS DAWN?
          to leave with the children, I was well   and I got a fresh perspective on   Run by Worcester Community
          prepared. We moved temporarily       my relationships.                   Trust, the DAWN Project is a free,
          into my mum’s house. The DAWN                                            confidential service for anyone
          project then supported me through    “If anyone reading this is experiencing   who lives in Wychavon, Malvern
          my divorce and helped us to find a   domestic abuse I would say, please   Hills and Worcester who is
          beautiful new home.                  ask for help; talk to anyone: family,   experiencing, or has experienced,
                                               friends, teachers, doctors, neighbours,   domestic abuse.
          “When you’re in an abusive           and most definitely the people at
          relationship, it’s easy to start thinking   the DAWN project. They are on your   It supports victims and survivors at
          that everything’s your fault and that   side and won’t judge you. They listen,   all stages of abusive relationships,
          you’re going crazy. The support I    advise and will make you feel valued.   whether or not they are still living
          got from the DAWN project helped     They have been my Guardian Angels.”  with a perpetrator.
                                                                                   DAWN also provides support to
                                                                                   access housing, benefits advice,
                                                                                   debt advice, legal services, support
                                                                                   at criminal and family courts,
                                                                                   referrals to specialist counselling
                                                                                   services, support with reporting
                                                                                   incidents to the Police, and support
                                                                                   with social care.

                                                                                       For more information:
                                                                                     W: www.worcestercommunitytrust.
                                                                                     T:  07713 200699 (this is not a 24
                                                                                        hour helpline – always call 999
                                                                                        in an emergency)
                                                                                     E:  dawn@worcestercommunitytrust.
                                                                                     Recommended reading:
                                                                                     The Covert Passive Aggressive
                                                                                     Narcissist – by Debbie Mirza
                                                                                     The Smart Girl’s Guide to Self-Care
                                                                                     – Shahida Arabi

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