Page 27 - City Life Magazine - Summer Edition 2023
P. 27                                                                                   27

          Iconic Worcester building is now

          a training centre for medics

          The new University of Worcester
          medical school is named after

          Elizabeth Garrett Anderson,
          the first woman to qualify as a
          physician and surgeon in the UK.

          Anyone crossing the        to a stunning new anatomy
          Sabrina Bridge or travelling   suite.
          along Hylton Road in the
          St John’s area of the city   Worcester City Council
          can’t fail to have noticed   contributed £2.5 million
          the transformation of the   towards the training centre                                        Anatomy suite
          former Worcester News      as part of its £19.6m
          building over the past 12   investment into the city   outstanding facilities for   cladding the exterior is
          months.                    from the Government’s       health students as well as   an efficient, long-lasting
                                     Towns Fund.                 becoming the home of        material providing a weather
          This iconic building has                               the University’s new Three   tight covering to a thick
          gone from drab concrete to   OUTSTANDING               Counties Medical School,    layer of insulation, making
          a beautiful golden colour   FACILITIES                 which will welcome its first   the building inexpensive to
          which restores its elegant   Joint Council Leader Cllr   students next month.      heat or to cool depending
          lines.                     Lynn Denham said: “The                                  on the season.
                                     Elizabeth Garrett Anderson   Professor David Green
          Inside, the space has been   Building provides Worcester   CBE DL, Vice Chancellor
          transformed with a new     with a first-rate training   and Chief Executive at the   NEW CAMPUS
          atrium. Natural light floods   centre for thousands of   University, said: “This new   The building forms part
          through the building. The   health students and it is   facility will be used by up   of the University’s new
          space, which once housed   wonderful to see the facility   to 1,500 health students   Severn Campus for
          the giant printing press that   open and ready for its first   every week. These students,   Health, Wellbeing and
          produced the New Musical   cohort of students.”        studying nursing, medicine,   Inclusive Sport.
          Express and the Saturday                               midwifery, physiotherapy,
          edition of The Guardian    The Elizabeth Garrett       occupational therapy,        The whole campus has
          newspaper, is now home     Anderson Building provides                               been opened up with
                                                                 paramedicine and more        new cycle and pedestrian
                                                                 will be the backbone of      facilities, car parking and
                                                                 tomorrow’s NHS. The          100 electric vehicle points
                                                                 University has been          which are all available for
                                                                 investing in high quality    public use, as is the new
                                                                 health courses for over 20   café.
                                                                 years because we know
                                                                 just how badly the country   Further exciting
                                                                 needs these graduates.”      developments on the
                                                                                              new campus are planned,
                                                                 In keeping with the          including the world’s
                                                                 University’s commitment      first inclusive cricket
                                                                 to sustainability, the       centre in partnership
                                                                 latest refurbishment         with the England and
                                                                 has been completed to        Wales Cricket Board,
                                                                 outstanding environmental    while a further building
                                                                 specifications, achieving a   for teaching the ever-
                                                                 Gold SKA environmental       expanding number of
                                                                 rating from the Royal        health students at the
                                                                 Institution of Chartered     University is also planned
                                                Elizabeth Garrett   Surveyors. The gold-      for construction in 2024.
                                               Anderson building
                                                                 coloured inert copper alloy

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