Page 22 - City Life Magazine - Summer Edition 2023
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22                                                                                      Issue 63  •  July 2023

                    WHAT’S ON
                     WHAT’S ON
             What’s on in Worcester

             CAROUSEL – PRESENTED BY WODYS        Jazz Band,                           Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s much-
             Tuesday 1 – Saturday 5 August        Someone at the                       loved picture book. A heart-warming
             Swan Theatre                         Door Samba                           adventure for everyone aged four and
                                                  Band, Colouring                      up, from Tall Stories, the Olivier Award-
             WODYS (Worcester Operatic and        Competitions,                        nominated company that brought you
             Dramatic Society Youth Section)      Teddy Bears’                         The Gruffalo and Room on the Broom
             perform the Rodgers and Hammerstein   Picnic, and                         live on stage.
             masterpiece Carousel.                the Worcester
                                                  Festival and                         Book tickets on 01905 611 427 or at
             Carousel tells the story of the love affair   Black Pear        
             between Billy Bigelow, a smooth-talking   Joggers 5k and
             carousel barker, and Julie Jordan, a   2k Fun Run.
             naïve young mill worker. The show is set
             to one of the most celebrated scores of   The Worcester Festival Food and Drink
             all time, including The Carousel Waltz,   guide will be available with lots of
             If I Loved You, June is Bustin’ Out All   special offers and delicious treats from
             Over and You’ll Never Walk Alone.    fabulous local hospitality businesses.
                                                  Find out more: www.worcesterfestival.
             This award-winning musical will be
             performed by 65 members of WODYS,
             aged 8 to 18.
                                                  DINOSAUR ADVENTURE LIVE
             Book tickets on 01905 611 427 or at   Thursday 24 August, 2pm & 4:30pm
             Swan Theatre

                                                  The Greatest Prehistoric Show on Earth
                                                  65 million years in the making... Are you
                                                  ready for the adventure?             WORCESTERSHIRE ARCHIVE &
                                                                                       ARCHAEOLOGY SERVICE
                                                  Join our intrepid rangers on a quest to   SCHOOL RECORDS 1870-1920
                                                  recover the data crystal, restore power   Saturday 9 September, 10am-12noon
                                                  to the island and save the dinosaurs!  The Hive - Level 2

                                                  Stomp, Roar and Swish your tail as we   Most family records detail your
                                                  introduce you to some of the most    relatives’ lives during adulthood
                                                  incredible species ever to have lived on   whilst school records are some of the
             WORCESTER SHOW                       planet Earth. An unforgettable Jurassic   few surviving documents that can
             Sunday 13 August, 10am-5pm           experience for all the family to enjoy.  reveal exciting details about their
             Pitchcroft                                                                childhoods too. Admission registers,
             Whether you plan to enter the        Book tickets on 01905 611 427 or at   which can be accessed if they are
             competition classes, display your          over 100 years old, give names of
             creations in veg, fruit, cake or craft                                    guardians, addresses and sometimes
             form, sample the local produce, browse                                    chart academic progress. School log
             the displays, enjoy the entertainment                                     books are an absolute boon to local
             on stage, take part in the interactive                                    historians providing details of school
             workshops or simply wander through                                        and community life such as important
             some of the 100+ market street stalls                                     events, instances of epidemics, the
             and enjoy the festival atmosphere, The                                    social hierarchy of the area and what
             Worcester Show is the place to be! Find                                   sort of life the pupils were being
             out more:                                        educated for.

                                                  THE SNAIL AND THE WHALE              This workshop is open to anybody,
             WORCESTER FESTIVAL                   Friday 25 – Saturday 26 August       whether family or local historians, who
             Saturday 12 – Monday 28 August       Swan Theatre                         want to investigate these valuable, and
             Various locations around Worcester                                        mainly untapped sources. No previous
             Over 700 events to enjoy, including a   Join an adventurous young girl and   experience is necessary.
             large number of free family events.  her seafaring father as they reimagine
             Entertainment will include Gugge 2000,   the story of a tiny snail’s incredible trip   Book tickets:
             Funky Faces Face Painters, Sauce City   around the world, inspired by Julia

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