Page 14 - City Life Magazine - Summer 2022
P. 14

14                                                                                     Issue 59  •  June 2022


             Architects appointed for

             city’s new arts centre

             Worcester City Council has taken an important step forward in the
             creation of a new performance arts and theatre venue in the northern part

             of the city centre, with the appointment of architects and consultants.

                                                                                                Director of Worcester City
                                                                     Artist’s impression of how the
                                                               refurbished Corn Exchange could look  Council, said: “It’s very
                                                                                                exciting to be progressing
                                                                                                this major investment in
                                                                                                the northern part of the
                                                                                                city centre. This project will
                                                                                                stimulate economic growth
                                                                                                in Worcester, creating a new
                                                                                                city centre hub for theatre,
                                                                                                music, comedy and more.

                                                                                                “The broader regeneration
                                                                                                of the Angel Street and
                                                                                                Angel Place area will also
                                                                                                bring social, economic,
                                                                                                and environmental
                                                                                                benefits, alongside new
                                                                                                living opportunities in
                                                                                                the city centre and the
                                                                                                enhancement of some
             The City Council secured    new theatre and cultural   cost consultants for this   of our city’s most striking
             £17.9 million from the      hub, which will offer      major initiative to stimulate   historic buildings.”
             Government’s Future         leading theatrical, music   economic growth at the
             High Streets Fund to        and performance facilities   northern gateway to the   The City Council recently
             revamp the area around      in the heart of the city. The   city centre. Their pedigree   completed the acquisition
             Angel Place and Angel       company has a strong track   includes projects at the   of the Scala, following
             Street, and improvements    record in designing arts   Royal Opera House, Natural   its purchase of the Corn
             are already underway        facilities, including the Hall   History Museum and the   Exchange and 8 Angel
             to the pavements and        for Cornwall in Truro, the   British Museum, among a   Street last year.
             environment of the area.    Almeida Theatre in London,   wide range of other work.
                                         the Onassis Cultural Centre                            A planning application is
             The architects and          in Athens, and many others.   MAJOR INVESTMENT         expected to be submitted
             consultants will play central                          David Blake, Managing       in the coming months.
             roles in transforming the   Specialist theatre consultants
             Scala Theatre and Grade-    Theatreplan have also been
             II-listed Corn Exchange     appointed to work on the
             buildings into a performance   project. With their previous
             arts venue for the city,    work including Battersea Arts
             alongside the broader       Centre, the Glasgow Citizens
             revival of the area, including   Theatre and Sydney Opera
             the currently empty building   House, they bring a wealth
             at 8 Angel Street, formerly a   of experience to the creation
             Co-op store.                of a new arts centre within
                                         some of Worcester’s most
             INTERNATIONAL               historic buildings.
             Architects Burrell Foley    The City Council has
             Fischer have been           appointed Equals Consulting   Artist’s impression of how the
             appointed to design the     as project managers and     revamped Scala Theatre could look

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