Page 12 - City Life Magazine - Summer 2022
P. 12

12                                                                                     Issue 59  •  June 2022

                  GREENER WORCESTER

             City’s route to net zero emissions

             Three years ago, Worcester City Council
             declared a climate emergency and committed

             to take action to help the city become carbon
             neutral by 2030.

             But what will it take to walk the talk   more investment in safer walking and
             – and what progress has been made    cycling routes – and a public bike hire
             so far?                              scheme is planned for 2024.

             “Cutting CO2 emissions to zero       Boosting biodiversity: the City
             won’t just require action from the   Council has supported the planting
             Council – it will need commitment    of over 10,000 new trees over the     Electric vehicle charging
             from everyone living or working in   last five years – but more are needed   points at St Martin’s Gate
             Worcester,” says Cllr Andy Stafford,   to offset carbon emissions. Planting
             Chair of Worcester City Council’s    wildflowers and cutting grass less   clothes, furniture and computer
             Environment Committee.               frequently will help to boost bee    accessories – could have a huge
                                                  and pollinator numbers, which are    impact on Worcester’s carbon
             The authority’s environmental        essential to our food chain.         footprint. Growing and eating more
             sustainability action plan for the city                                   local produce and cutting down
             focuses on five crucial areas:       Creating less waste: re-using and    on food waste will make a big
                                                  recycling more items – including     difference too.
             Insulating Worcester: ensuring
             homes, business premises and
             community buildings are energy-        What is the Council doing?
             efficient. Funding is available through
             the Green Homes Grant scheme if        Worcester City Council’s own
             your household income is £30,000 or    carbon emissions have fallen by
             less. Find out more, and get tips on   over 24% since April 2019. This
             how to save money on your energy       has in part been achieved by using
             bills, at           ‘green’ electricity (generated from
                                                    sustainable sources instead of
                                                    fossil fuel) to power its buildings,
             Supporting the transition to
             electric vehicles: ensuring the city   including the Guildhall, the Art
             has a strong electric vehicle charging   Gallery and Museum, Astwood
             infrastructure, including provision for   Cemetery and The Commandery.
             residents with no off-street parking.
                                                    Solar panels installed on the roof of
             More active travel: the majority of    St Martin’s Gate car park are helping   The City Council Street Scene team in action
             car journeys made in Worcester are     to power the building’s lighting and   with electric grounds maintenance kit
             under two miles long. There will be    12 recently installed electric vehicle
                                                    charging points.                   helped to reduce emissions from
                                                                                       the City Council’s street cleaning,
                                                    New electric vans and grounds      and recycling and waste operations.
                                                    maintenance equipment have         Refuse collection vehicles will
                                                                                       gradually be replaced with lower
                                                                                       emission alternatives over the next
                                                                                       few years.

                                                                                       Emissions from staff travel
                                                                                       have also been reduced, with
                                                                                       employees encouraged to join
                                                                                       some meetings by video link, and
                                                                                       to walk and cycle more.

                                                                                         For more information:
                                                     Worcester City Council’s civil     W:
                                  Turn down your     enforcement team take to two wheels
                                      thermostat                                           emergency

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