Page 15 - City Life Magazine - Summer 2021 Edition
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          ANTIQUES & HOME SHOW                 WORCESTER FESTIVAL                  The Guildhall
          24 July 2021                         14 – 30 August                      High Street
          Pitchcroft Racecourse                                                    Worcester WR1 2EY
          Grand Stand Road                     The Worcester Festival is not a music
          Worcester WR1 3EJ                    festival, nor indeed an arts festival,
                  but just… a festival! It’s an umbrella   A humorous and entertaining look at
                                               for a huge range of activities,     the main events in Worcester over the
          This one-day show promises to        professional and community events,   past 400 years.
          be the perfect hunting ground for    many of them free.
          beautiful collector’s pieces, jewellery,
          ceramics, artwork, homewares and     Full details at  FESTIVAL OF WATER 2021
          much, much more. A fabulous day                                          28 – 30 August
          out for all the family.                                                  Worcester & Birmingham Canal
                                               WORCESTER SHOW                      Perdiswell Park
          Admission: £3.50pp.                                                      Bilford Road
          Opening times: 9am-4pm.                                                  WR3 EDX

                                                                                   The Inland Waterways Association
          RUSTLE                                                                   brings a weekend of entertainment
          29 July: 2pm                                                             and music to Perdiswell Park. As well
          Henry Sandon Hall                                                        as over 100 boats lining the canal,
          Royal Porcelain Works                                                    dressed in their festival bunting,
          Severn St, Worcester WR1 2NE                                             there will be children’s rides, craft
                                                                                   stalls, food outlets, a real ale bar, an
                                                                                   entertainments marquee with live
                                                                                   music plus other attractions too.
                                               15 August
                                               Pitchcroft Racecourse               There will be a chance to have
                                               Grand Stand Road                    a go at fishing as well as see
                                               Worcester                           demonstrations of a coracle and an
                                               WR1 3EJ                             electric punt! Illuminated display
                                               worcestershow.                      of model boats, staged by Little
                                                                   Radford Model Boat Club.
                                               The Worcester Show                  More details at https://waterways.
          Award-winning PaddleBoat Theatre     celebrates the creativity 
          Company present Rustle, an interactive   and green-fingered skills       events/iwa-festival-of-water
          outdoor family show, jam-packed with   of local people, alongside a whole raft
          puppets, songs and outdoor surprises.   of entertainment and activities for the
                                               whole family to enjoy.              BATTLE OF WORCESTER
          Three young explorers are setting up                                     ANNIVERSARY
          camp in the great outdoors to tell the   Over 10,000 people visited in 2019,
          greatest campfire story ever told: where   and this year’s event promises to
          sleeping bags become monsters, torches   be just as much fun! There are 120
          illuminate the forest’s darkest secrets and   competitive classes to enter, ranging
          unlikely friendships are made.       from growing giant vegetables
                                               to displaying flowers and floral
          Order tickets at or   decorations, creating handicrafts and
          call the Box Office on 01905 611 427.  photography, baking and modelling.
                                               There really is something for everyone
          PUB BEER FESTIVAL                    – including special classes for young
          30 July – 1 August                   people and novices.
          A celebration of                                                         3 – 5 September
          Worcester’s                          400 YEARS OF                        The Commandery
          thriving pub                         WORCESTER:                          Sidbury, Worcester WR1 2HU
          culture, organised                   A PLAY IN 45              
          by the Worcester                     MINS                                whats-on/
          Campaign for Real                    20 August:
          Ale.                                 performances at                     A weekend celebration of the
          www.                                 10am, midday and                    anniversary of the Battle of Worcester
         2pm                                 on 3 September 1651.

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