Page 23 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2022
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New look Arches ready to open doors
After months of work, five refurbished while the fifth will open in the near- created at The Arches – Worcester.
arches between The Hive and future as a public performance We don’t want to pigeon-hole
Netherton Court are preparing to venue. what the shared spaces should be
open their doors. used for, so we’re open to hearing
Worcester City Council has appointed from a broad variety of people and
The work has been carried out as part the team behind The Kiln shared anyone who calls themselves an
of The Arches – Worcester scheme, workspace to manage and let the artist – whether that’s a painter, a
supported by a £3 million investment refurbished arches. designer, a make-up artist, a tattoo
from the Government’s Cultural artist or anyone else in the creative
Development Fund. Hamish Gill, Co-Founder of the Kiln, industries.”
said: “We are keen to attract all types
Four of the refurbished arches will be let of creatives and artists to use the HAVE YOUR SAY
to local artists and creative businesses, exciting new spaces that have been The Arches – Worcester is all about
giving a boost to the creative culture
in the city, and the project includes
the Arches Festivals team, which runs
the Light Nights and other events.
The Arches – Worcester partners
want to hear your views on the
festivals programme and culture in
the city.
Please take a few minutes to
answer the short survey at www.
Refurbished Arches exterior The deadline for replies is 28 March.
Enjoy Worcester’s history all year round
Did you know Worcester residents can enjoy a whole year of visits
to The Commandery from just £7?
Escape the everyday experience days and
right on your doorstep at other unique special
The Commandery with a events too, there’s
Worcester Residents’ Pass. something for absolutely
Just a few minutes’ walk everyone to enjoy.
from Worcester Cathedral,
the riverside and High Annual Worcester
Street, The Commandery Residents’ Passes are just
is a stunning 1,000-year- £7 for an individual or £19
old building. for a family pass (includes
up to two adults and
Discover interactive three children – under-
exhibitions, get stuck fives go free).
into some dressing up
and find the Nature To sign up, pop into
Play Area in the walled The Commandery,
gardens, then enjoy call 01905 361821 or
a delicious treat at download and fill in the Residents’ passes are – please bring your
Commandery Coffee. form in advance at www. available for anyone who Council Tax bill with you
With school holiday museumsworcestershire. pays their Council Tax to when signing up as proof
activities, living history Worcester City Council of residency.
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