Page 22 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2022
P. 22
22 Issue 58 • March 2022
Next step in £19.6m
investment in Worcester
City councillors have
backed the first of
five business cases for
projects that will bring
£19.6m of Government
investment to
The City Council has secured the
funding from the Towns Fund, after
drawing up proposals to support
five major schemes to boost
Worcester’s economy, promote
active travel and provide new skills
training for local people.
The first business case to be
approved is for the Severn Centre
for Health and Wellbeing, which
will now benefit from a funding
installment of £2.5m released by the
Department for Levelling Up, Homes
and Communities.
contribution to training up the “This completely re-purposed building
health experts that the NHS and will create new specialist clinical
That money will support the other local services need.” education facilities which will enable
development of the University of us to educate many more nurses,
Worcester’s new £20m learning Professor David Green CBE DL, doctors, paramedics, physiotherapists,
centre in Hylton Road, already the University of Worcester’s Vice occupational therapists and other
under development at the former Chancellor, says, “The University is health professionals who are so badly
Worcester News building.
very grateful to the City Council for needed by the NHS and the people of
this vital financial support. the city and surrounding areas.”
This contribution from the Towns
Fund will boost the capacity of the
new centre, ensuring it delivers
training to 1,500 students each year What’s next?
and creating 100 new jobs.
The £19.6m Towns Fund will support between High Street, the Cathedral
TRAINING HEALTH EXPERTS four other initiatives. Councillors and the riverside
Councillor Marc Bayliss, Leader of will be looking at business cases for • Community level skills and training
Worcester City Council, says, “The these in the coming weeks. - providing new facilities to offer
near £20m of investment that the • Active travel – new and improved high-quality training in the heart of
Towns Fund will bring to Worcester walking and cycling routes, a bike deprived communities, including
represents a major boost for hire scheme, and a significant Worcester’s second ‘Building Block’
our city. contribution to the new Kepax construction skills centre located in
bridge across the Severn Dines Green
“The Severn Centre for Health • Heritage and riverside – • Shrub Hill – the first phase of a
and Wellbeing is the first of five improvements to visitor attractions plan to regenerate the wider area,
projects to come forward and, at at Worcester City Art Gallery & linking the city centre with Shrub
a time when health services are Museum and The Commandery, Hill and bringing new employment
at the forefront of our minds like and improved pedestrian links and residential development.
never before, will make a significant
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