Page 13 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2022
P. 13                                                                                   13

          Planting a tree for the Jubilee

          Worcester has been named a Champion City in The Queen’s Green
          Canopy – a national campaign that is encouraging tree-planting

          across the nation to mark Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

          To celebrate the good news,          planting of trees in recognition of   Mayor and Brett
          Worcestershire County Cricket Club   Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum      D’Oliveira
          Captain Brett D’Oliveira joined the   Jubilee.”
          Mayor of Worcester, Cllr Stephen
          Hodges, to plant lime trees at       The Mayor of Worcester says,
          Pitchcroft, the home of Worcester    “Worcester is known for its loyalty
          Racecourse, restoring a grand        to the Royal Family and our
          avenue that was first planted at the   reputation as a green city is growing
          start of the 20th Century.           all the time.”

          Brett D’Oliveira says, “It is an     Worcester is a Champion City
          honour to join the Mayor of          because it places trees and
          Worcester and students from the      woodland as a central part of its
          University of Worcester for the      plans for green spaces.

          Digging deep for nature                                  400 trees planted for

          in Aconbury Orchard                                      Charter celebrations

          Worcester Environmental Group, the City Council and
          Nunnery Wood High School Eco Club took on the                                            Cllr Hodgson plants
                                                                                                      1 of 400 trees in
          daunting task in January of digging over a thousand                                        Perdiswell Playing
          holes to plant an edible hedge for wildlife.                                             Fields as part of the
                                                                                                   Charter 400 project
          The hedge, situated in Aconbury Orchard in Nunnery
          Wood, will bring enormous benefits to local wildlife.

          Worcester Environmental Group founder Paul Snookes
          says, “As well as creating a rich source of food for birds,
          mammals, amphibians and insects, it’s going to provide
          them with both a home and a really beneficial wildlife

          “It will also improve the environment by capturing carbon,
          reducing flooding and cutting air pollution, and it will also
          simply make the place look nicer, which helps with our
          mental health.”                                          400 trees were planted at Perdiswell in January, as
                                                                   an environmental gift to Worcester. They included
          The trees were paid for by a                             oak seedlings grown from trees that are over 400
          grant from Cllr Andy Roberts                             years old, from around the city.
          from his Worcestershire County
          Council Divisional Fund.                                 The planting marks the end of celebrations of Charter
                                                                   400, a project that marked four centuries since
          WEG, in conjunction with                                 Worcester was awarded its Royal Charter.
          Onside, a mental health charity,
          is putting forward proposals for                         Cllr Stephen Hodgson, Mayor of Worcester, says,
          many more edible hedges and                              “What better gift to the city than to plant trees? I am
          fruit trees to be planted along a                        delighted we are able to mark the Charter 400 project
          12-mile wildlife corridor around                         with such a lasting legacy.”
                                       Planting over 1,000 trees at
                                       Aconbury Orchard                Find out more about the Charter 400 project at:
             For more information:                                  W:

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