Page 4 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2021
P. 4
4 Issue 54 • March 2021
Your guide to local
elections in May 2021
Elections to determine who will represent your area on Worcester City
Council and Worcestershire County Council will be held on 6 May.
The Police and Crime Commissioner checked against those you provided
(PCC) election will also be held on before, to confirm your identity.
the same day.
As an alternative, you can apply
The three elections will be held in all for a proxy vote – this is when you
Worcester wards, with the exception authorise another person to vote in
of the three parish councils (St a polling station on your behalf. The
Peter’s, Warndon North and deadline to register for a proxy vote
Warndon South) which will only hold is 5.00pm on 27 April 2021.
County Council and PCC elections
this year. You can apply online for a postal or
proxy vote at:
What is being done to keep uk/elections.
people safe in polling stations?
• All elections staff will be wearing If you are not registered to vote
face masks. They will carry out or have recently moved, you can
regular intensive cleans and will register online at
ensure that social distancing is register-to-vote The deadline to
maintained at all times. register is 19 April 2021.
• There will be one-way systems into
polling stations and limits on the CASUAL WORK VACANCIES
number of voters in each polling Have you ever thought of getting
station. involved with elections by working at
• There will be a staff member on a polling station on election day or at
the door of each polling station to the count following the election? Our
assist. Elections Team is always looking to
• Voters will be required to wear recruit motivated and dynamic staff
face coverings and must maintain to fill any vacancies that occur. We
social distancing. would love to hear from you if you’re
• Hand sanitiser will be available, interested in becoming involved.
as will spare masks if voters have
forgotten theirs. Further details at:
• There will be a supply of clean
pencils for electors to use – but councillors-democracy/elections/
voters are also free to bring their election-staffing-and-recruitment
own pencil/pen.
What if I want to vote, but
don’t feel comfortable visiting a
polling station?
You should apply for a postal vote
as soon as possible. The deadline for
postal vote applications is 5.00pm
on 20 April 2021.
You will also be asked to give your
date of birth and signature when
applying for a postal vote. When you
return your postal voting pack your
signature and date of birth will be
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