Page 3 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2021
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          Welcome                                                                    4-5:    News

          At last we are starting to emerge from   Over the last 12 months, the City   7:    Leaders’ messages
                                                                                     10-11:  Investment: £17.9 million
          this prolonged period of sadness and   Council has also continued to deliver      to transform parts of
          uncertainty and are finally moving   essential services such as emptying          Worcester’s city centre
          towards a better place. Whilst caution   bins, supporting homeless people,
          remains the watchword with regards to   providing grants to residents and   12-13:  Investment: Worcester bids
          COVID, as the front cover and pages   businesses, hosting funeral services        for further £28 million
          of this magazine demonstrate, there   and dealing with the fallout from
          genuinely are reasons to look forward   flooding.  I’m sure that you would like   14-15:  Business: New support for
          and be optimistic about the future here   to join me in thanking all the staff for      job seekers after COVID
          in Worcester.                        their hard work over the last year.   18:    Housing: New properties
                                                                                            sought by Council letting
          On Boxing Day we                                   And finally, the City          service
          received the very welcome                         Council is preparing
          news that Worcester will                          to hold local elections   19:    Environment: More trees
          receive £17.9 million from                        on 6 May. A huge                for Worcester – and free
          central government to                             amount of effort is             home insulation offer
          transform the northern                            underway to ensure
          part of the city. You can                         they are as COVID-       20:    What’s on in museums in
          find out more about                               secure as possible.             Worcestershire
          this major regeneration                                                    22:    Careers opportunities in
          around Angel Place on                             You can read more               the arts for young people
          p.10 – 11.                                       about the preparations
                                                           – as well as how to       23:    Worcester’s next BIG thing!
          Hot on the heels of this                         apply for a postal or
          success, Worcester City                          proxy vote – on p.4. I    24:    Planning: 40 new homes
          Council bid for a further £28 million   do encourage you to make your voice       for former Sansome Walk
          from central Government’s Towns Fund.   heard and vote in these elections.        swimming pool site
          We expect to find out at the end of   There are real challenges ahead as   26:    New action to tackle
          March if we have been successful – but   Worcestershire recovers from COVID.      anti-social behaviour
          are confident that we have put forward   By voting for the candidate who best
          a very compelling case. Turn to p.12   addresses your concerns, you will be   27:    Census 2021:
          – 13 to find out how this investment   influencing important decisions around      We’re counting on you
          could transform the city. If successful,   local priorities and how money is spent
          this investment would create hundreds   as we move forward.                30:    Protecting communities
          of new jobs in Worcester and provide                                              from COVID
          residents with the skills they need to   David Blake
          secure sustainable employment in the   Managing Director
          future.                              Worcester City Council                Worcester City Council does not accept
                                                                                     responsibility for or endorse any products
                                                                                     or services offered by advertisers. All
          BENGALI                              PUNJABI                               information correct at time of printing.
                                                                                     Printed on environmentally friendly paper
                                                                                     from renewable sources. When you have
                                                                                     finished with this magazine please recycle it.
                                                                                     Worcester City Life is designed and
                                                                                     Media & Marketing
                                                                                     printed by: KM Media & Marketing.
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          CHINESE                                                                    Front cover image: Artist’s impression of
                                                                                     Worcester’s new performing arts venue
                                                                                                     KM Media & Marketing,
                                                                                                     County House,
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