Page 7 - City Life Magazine - Autumn 2022
P. 7 7
Dear residents, The current economic challenges mean
it is even more crucial that we look to
I hope that you have been able to build an even more robust economy
enjoy the fabulous weather we have in Worcester, to provide good jobs
had this summer and that you have for residents in the future. With that
also been able to experience some in mind, we have recently submitted
of the great events and activities that a further £20 million bid to the
have been hosted around the city. The Government to support levelling-up
Worcester Show was very successful in our city. Included in the bid are
in its new venue at Pitchcroft and proposals that will bring more of
came only one day after Worcester the Shrub Hill industrial estate back
was blessed by an evening concert into economic use, radically improve
from the legendary Sir Tom Jones. The sporting facilities at Nunnery Wood,
Worcester Festival brought colour and significantly improve conferencing
and entertainment to the city once and hospitality facilities at the
Marc Bayliss more – and these are just a flavour of racecourse. I hope that the Government
the many artistic, cultural and sporting responds positively to our bid, which
activities that go to make our city has wide political support including that
one of the best places to live in the of our MP.
We are already getting on and
While there has been much to entertain spending some of the £42 million
and enjoy over the last few weeks, of regeneration funding the city
we are all aware of the economic has already received from the
challenges that the country now Government. The refurbished railway
faces. Rising inflation, especially in arches and the improvements in
relation to energy and food costs, is a walkways across the city centre are
serious cause for concern and one that just the first elements of this ambitious
the City Council is aware of and seeking regeneration programme which will see
to do what we can to respond to. We the development of new office space,
have distributed help to thousands of new homes, and a modern arts centre
households who were eligible for £150 in the city centre.
as part of the Government-funded
relief package and the Council has Although the next few months will be
also used its discretionary funds to challenging, I can assure you that the
help families whose children received staff and members of the City Council
free school meals over the summer are totally focused on doing all we can
holidays. Councillors from across all to make sure Worcester continues to
four political groups have also formed thrive.
a working party to consider how the
City Council can best further support Yours sincerely,
residents over the coming months, and Marc
I would encourage you to contact your
local councillors if you have any ideas of Councillor Marc Bayliss
how we may be able to help. Joint Leader – Worcester City Council
02/09/2022 8:41 am
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