Page 11 - City Life Magazine - Autumn 2022
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Ten quick tips to save money
Act On Energy, the energy
conservation experts, have come up
with these handy suggestions to help
you reduce your energy bills.
1. Only fill your kettle with as much
water as you will actually use –
and save £6 a year
2. Don’t overheat your hot water
– 60 degrees is right for most
homes 6. Don’t leave electrical appliances 9. Turn down radiators in rooms
3. Wash clothes at 30 degrees and like TVs and computers on you don’t use much
avoid using tumble dryers stand-by 10. Turn down the thermostat by 1
4. Keep the lids on saucepans when 7. Have a shower rather than a degree – you won’t notice the
you are cooking, and turn down bath, and reduce the amount difference and you could save
the gas or electric on your hob of time you spend in the £55 a year. But don’t go below
5. Keep the heat in – don’t cover shower 18 degrees if you are elderly, ill
radiators with clothes and make 8. Get a smart meter, so you can or have small children.
sure your curtains are tucked see which appliances are using
behind them the most energy Find out more at
Other support available
WORCESTER FOODBANK A £50,000 donation from the City
Part of a nationwide network of Council’s Household Support Fund
foodbanks supported by The Trussell means that the Foodbank can bulk
Trust, Worcester Foodbank provides purchase food and essential items
food, travel vouchers and essential from April to September 2022.
items such as toiletries and school
uniforms to residents who are Find out more at worcester.foodbank.
referred to them. or call 0808 208 2138 for free.
Most of the food is contributed AGE UK WORCESTER AND
by the public, but current demand MALVERN HILLS
means they need to top up donations Age UK Worcester and Malvern Hills HAVING TROUBLE PAYING
by five tonnes a month, at a cost of can distribute cash and vouchers YOUR COUNCIL TAX?
£8,000. to those most in need. Eligible Contact Worcester City Council
applicants are people over 66 who on 03004 560560 immediately
are eligible for attendance allowance, to seek help and advice. Even
who are on a low income (less than if you’re not entitled to any
£18,000 a year), or who are just discounts, it might be possible
above the pension credit criteria. for a special arrangement to be
made. Remember – the sooner
Find out more at you discuss your problem, the
worcester-malvern-hills or call more easily it can be resolved.
01905 724294.
02/09/2022 8:43 am
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