Page 5 - City Life Magazine - Winter 2021
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‘Knife Angel’ brings message of
hope to Worcester
A 27ft tall sculpture, created using over 100,000 knives and blades
confiscated by 43 UK police forces, is set to visit Worcester in
Spring 2022.
The Knife Angel is designed from schools, colleges the form of a ‘surrender’
by Alfie Bradley at the and community groups. secure bin which travels
British Ironwork Centre Guest speakers who have with the Angel.
in Oswestry, with the aim experienced violence first-
of bringing the issue of hand will talk to young The City Council will work
knife crime to the front of people about the impact with Worcester Cathedral,
society’s consciousness. it has had – as well as the the West Mercia Police and
long-term consequences Crime Commissioner, West
“People often think of for perpetrators.” Mercia Police, the South
knife crime and violence as Worcestershire Community
something that happens The Angel is set to Safety Partnership and
in other cities. However, visit Worcester from other partners to make
the most commonly 1 to 31 March 2022 the most of the Angel’s
reported types of crimes and will be situated in presence in the city and to
in Worcester involve some Cathedral Square. A ensure that its message has
form of violence,” says Cllr series of workshops at the maximum impact.
James Stanley, Chair of Cathedral, school visits,
Worcester City Council’s classroom activities and The Knife Angel has
Communities Committee. interactive events at the already visited a number
statue are set to take place. of prominent UK cities and
“We hope that the Knife landmarks including Chester,
Angel’s visit can be a During the month, a Coventry, Liverpool,
catalyst for change. We will general weapons amnesty Birmingham, Hereford, and
actively encourage visits is being proposed in Telford & Wrekin.
Young people to be at heart of future
City Council decisions
A Young Person’s Champion has been appointed to
Worcester City Council, putting issues such as child
poverty, youth employment and young people’s
well-being at the heart of future decision-making.
The move will see all future city’s first Young People’s tireless advocate for them
City Council policies and Champion. He is currently in our local communities. I
decisions assessed for their Principal of a sixth form will be seeking to listen to
impact on children and college in West Bromwich young people and to hear
young people. It reflects and has worked in what their concerns are, so
growing concern about education for 25 years. we can better serve them in
emerging inequalities the Council and ensure that
faced by young people Cllr Lamb said: “It is an their voice is heard.”
in Worcester. enormous honour to have
been chosen to speak up You can contact the new Young Person’s
Cllr Matthew Lamb has for children and young champion by emailing:
been appointed as the people and I will be a E:
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