Page 5 - City Life Magazine - Summer 2022
P. 5                                                                                    5

          Splash of colour along roadside

          verges as nature is allowed to

          take its course

          More roadside verges in the city     council is planting a mixture of
          are to become a riot of colour this   wildflower seeds along grass
          summer as Worcester City Council     verges, brightening up the areas
          rolls out its wildflower verges initiative.  with poppies, cornflowers and a
                                               host of other plants – creating the
          Over the last two years the City     perfect habitat to encourage bees,
          Council has been looking to boost    butterflies, other insects and wildlife.
          biodiversity wherever possible by
          keeping the edges of grass verges    The wildflower verges will create a
          trimmed, planting wildflowers and    cheering splash of colour along the
          leaving patches to nature itself.    city’s boundaries and main arterial
                                               roads. Information boards explaining
          Working alongside Worcester          the initiative are being put up in
          Environmental Group (WEG) the        certain areas.

          Have your say on future of

          elections in Worcester

          A review of the electoral            (LGBCE) is reviewing the city’s     proposals, which will then
          boundaries for Worcester City        electoral wards, to ensure that     form the basis of a further
          Council is underway, and city        they reflect the population sizes in   public consultation.
          residents are being encouraged to    different parts of the city. This process
          have their say.                      happens roughly every 20 years.     This initial consultation is open
                                                                                   until 25 July at
          The independent Local Government     The LGBCE is asking residents       uk/all-reviews/west-midlands/
          Boundary Commission for England      to help them draw up initial        worcestershire/worcester.

          New faces on City Council

          Last month’s elections saw six new councillors elected to Worcester
          City Council, at the same time as seven others retained their seats.

          As well as scheduled polls   • Claines – Mel Allcott   • Warndon – Jill Desayrah   two Liberal Democrats.
          in 12 of the city’s wards,   (Liberal Democrat)          (Labour)                  Following the election,
          there was also a by-election   • Gorse Hill – Mohammad   • Warndon Parish North    councillors voted to
          in Nunnery, meaning          Altaf (Conservative)        – Stephen Hodgson         appoint two joint Leaders,
          that two councillors were   • Nunnery – Pat Agar         (Conservative)            one from each of the two
          chosen there.                (Labour)                  • Warndon Parish            parties. However, the only
                                     • Nunnery – Basharat Ali      South – Andy Roberts      nomination was from the
          The full list of winners is:  (Labour)                   (Conservative)            Conservatives, meaning
          • Battenhall – Tom         • Rainbow Hill – Zoe                                    that Cllr Marc Bayliss is
           Piotrowski (Green)          Cookson (Labour)          The results mean that no    currently the sole Leader of
          • Bedwardine – Shafaz      • St John – Matt Lamb       party has overall control of   the City Council.
           Ditta (Conservative)        (Labour)                  the City Council, with 15
          • Cathedral – Jabbar Riaz   • St Peter’s – Steve       Conservatives councillors,   Turn to p16 for a full guide
           (Labour)                    Cockeram (Green)          12 Labour, six Greens and   to your local councillors.

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