Allotment – New Inventory Form

Allotment Inventory Form
Welcome to your new allotment. Before you start work on your plot, please take a few minutes to complete the inventory form below. This will help us keep track of what facilities everyone has on site. Please note: To assist in the cultivation of your allotment you are welcome to reposition any items already in place when you take on the plot (polytunnels, water butts etc.) but they must remain on the plot unless otherwise agreed with your Site Coordinator.

Please fill in the number of each on the plot:

Please ensure you complete this form with the site coordinator.

I agree that these items were present on taking over the above plot on the date acknowledged. I understand that I may not remove them without written consent from the Council.

Worcester City Council will hold and process my information in accordance with Data Protection Law. For more information, please see our privacy notices on our website.